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Brazil president: World Cup more than a game
Starting this Thursday, the eyes and hearts of the world will all be turned to Brazil. Thirty-two national teams representing the best in football in the world will all be vying for the World Cup, the event that, every four years, makes us all football fans. This is the time for football's largest international festival, but it is also time for us to celebrate, thanks to football, the values of fair play and peaceful coexistence among all peoples. It is an opportunity to reinvigorate the humanistic values of Pierre de Coubertin: the values of peace, harmony and tolerance. The "Cup of Cups," as we affectionately call it, will also be the Cup for peace and against racism, the Cup for inclusion and against all forms of discrimination, the Cup for tolerance, for dialogue, for understanding and for sustainability. Organizing the World Cup is a source of pride for Brazilians. On and off the field, we are united and dedicated to providing a great spectacle. For one month, visitors coming to our country will discover that Brazil has become a mature, thriving democracy. Over the last 12 years, we have advanced one of the most successful projects to raise income distribution, employment levels and social inclusion in the history of the world. We have reduced inequality at stunning levels, bringing 42 million Brazilians into the middle class and lifting 36 million Brazilians out from extreme poverty in one decade. We are also now a vibrant democracy, despite living under a dictatorship a few decades ago. We enjoy the most absolute freedom and coexist harmoniously with popular demonstrations and demands, which help us improve and perfect our democratic institutions ever more. In all 12 host cities of the World Cup, visitors can get an up-close view of the diversity of our culture and our geography. We are a country of music, of natural beauty, of cultural diversity, of ethnic and religious harmony, of respect for the environment. It is true that football was indeed born in England, but we like to think that it was in Brazil that it made its home. It is here where Pelé, Garrincha, Didi and many other football masters, who have dazzled millions around the world, were born. So when the World Cup comes back to Brazil after 64 years, it feels like football has returned home. We are the Land of Football because of our glorious history of five world championships and for the passion that every Brazilian dedicates to their team, to their heroes and to the Seleção, our National Team. The love of our people for football has become part of our national identity. For us, football is a celebration of life. On behalf of 201 million Brazilians, I would like to extend our warm welcome to all fans from the United States and to all visitors who have come to Brazil to share the "Cup of Cups" with us. Dilma Rousseff is the president of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
从下个星期四开始,世界所有的目光将聚焦巴西。代表世界足球最高水平的32支球队将在四年一届的世界杯中同场竞技。 这是全球的体育盛宴。感谢足球,让我们一起庆祝公平竞争、和平共处的价值观,重振顾拜旦的和平、和谐和宽容的人文价值。 “世界杯中的世界杯”,正如它的名称一样,是和平反对种族主义的世界杯,是包容反对偏见的世界杯,是具有宽容、多样性、对话、理解和可持续性的世界杯。 举办世界杯是巴西人民的骄傲。无论在场内还是场外,我们团结一致,努力提供一场体育盛宴。在这个月,来我国的游客会发现,巴西现在是一个成熟、繁荣和民主的国家。 在过去的12年中,巴西推行了最成功的收入分配体制之一,提高了就业水平,增加了社会包容性,极大地减少了不平等。在过去10年内,4200万巴西人成为中产阶级,3600万群众摆脱贫苦。 虽然几十年前我们经历过军事独裁,但是如今,巴西是一个繁荣民主的国家。我们享受充分的自由,与民众游行和谐共处,也正是这些对政府的要求帮助我们更进一步完善我们的民主机制。 在12个世界杯举办城市中,游客将会与开朗、大方和热情好客的当地人民和睦相处。我们是一个拥有动听音乐、美丽自然风光、多元文化、和谐种族和宗教,并尊重自然的国家。 其实,现代足球发源于英国。但我们认为巴西也是足球之家。这里诞生了球王贝利、加林查、迪迪等让全球千百万人为之疯狂的足球巨星。时隔64年,世界杯再次回到巴西,就像足球又回到了它的家。 我们是“足球王国”,拥有5次夺冠的光荣历史,每个巴西人对自己支持的足球俱乐部、对自己的偶像和球队都有极大的热情。民众对这项运动的热爱已经成为巴西民族的一个共同特征。对于我们来说,足球就是生命的庆祝。 我代表两亿巴西人民,欢迎所有来巴西的中国球迷共同分享“世界杯中的世界杯”。 (作者为巴西联邦共和国总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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