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Beyoncé: most irritating selfies of all time
2. Anything with Kim Kardashian It isn't that Kim's body is managing to eat this tiny white bathing suit, or that her amazing bottom left the world wracked by jealousy when she first put this picture on Instagram. The problem with Kim Kardashian’s selfies is that she’s in them, and she’s so annoying that, as far as we can tell, taking selfies is actually what Mrs West does for a living.
2. 金·卡戴珊的一切 这并不是说金的身体正试图吞食小小的白色浴衣,也不是说她第一次把这张照片放在instagram时,她巨大的臀部引起众人的嫉妒。金·卡戴珊的自拍照的问题在于,她自己身在其中,就我们所知,她这个人本身就很令人讨厌。说实话,拍这样的自拍是维斯特女士谋生的手段。 |
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