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Beyoncé: most irritating selfies of all time
5. Disaster selfies Student Louisa Foley was heavily criticised for this insensitive disaster selfie. Arguably, even if she had popped her clothes on and run over to the pier, she wouldn’t have been able to help much. But this still doesn’t set a good precedent. If it goes too far, people end up taking selfies with the unconscious Joan Rivers. Think before you snap, people. 6. Morning selfie Basically the same as the "no make-up selfie" plus a bed, and just as irritating. |
5.灾难背景自拍 学生路易莎·富丽因这张以灾难为背景的照片而备受非议。可以说,就算她穿上衣服,直奔码头,也起不了任何作用。但是,这还是无法树立一个良好的典范。如果灾难太远,人们就只会和还不知道情况的琼·里弗斯(Joan Rivers)拍照了。所以注意了,拍照前想清楚。 6.晨起自拍 基本上这和素颜自拍是差不多的,就是多了一张穿,也同样令人讨厌。
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