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Beyoncé: most irritating selfies of all time
8. Fan meets celebrity selfies This unlikely selfie with Pope Francis is slightly less aggravating than the usual celebrity selfies that are just opportunities for boasting. Along with photos of where you’ve been and how awesome your side boob looks, these selfies are too self-congratulatory to be tolerated. Here though, Pope Francis is being both cool and generous. Can’t begrudge him that, really. |
8.粉丝遇见名人自拍 这张平常不太可能拍到的与教皇弗朗西斯的自拍照比其他与名人的自拍好点,没那么令人讨厌,跟名人自拍一般都是为了炫耀。炫你去过的地方的照片,炫你乳房侧影,炫你见过的名人,这些自拍太自我炫耀,令人无法忍受。不过,弗朗西斯教皇又酷又慷慨,我们不能嫉妒他。 |
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