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Beyoncé: most irritating selfies of all time
3. No make-up selfie Oh, it’s all for a good cause, we know. But can’t we be asked to write a poem or draw an inspirational doodle of surviving breast cancer for charity instead? Going without make-up is only an achievement if we are scared of our own faces. If we are then it's time for us to have a long hard look in the mirror – metaphorically, if possible. |
3. 素颜自拍 我们知道,这理由挺好的。但为什么没有人要我们写一首诗或者画一个鼓舞人心的涂鸦来推动关爱乳腺癌的慈善事业呢?只有害怕自己的长相时,素颜才是一种成就。如果真害怕,那可能的话,就应该照镜子仔细看看——这只是隐喻的说法。 |
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