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They’re the clothes women love — and men hate
From clumpy flat shoes that seem to shorten a woman’s leg to voluminous cocoon coats that hide every curve of the body, there is seemingly no end to the trends which women love — but men loathe. Indeed, styles that seem designed to put men off are so prevalent on the High Street this season that they’ve even been dubbed ‘man-repellers’. Here, Kim Carillo, who usually favours a more alluring style of dress, tries out some of these man-unfriendly must-haves and, predictably, loves the feeling of putting comfort before style. But what does her husband Charlie have to say? SURPRISINGLY SEXY — OR AN OLD BOILER? SHE SAYS: I feel surprisingly sexy in this despite the slightly voluminous, low crotched look. It’s so comfortable and brings back fond memories of a black all-in-one I used to wear for dancing back in the day. I know for a fact my husband will hate this look, but there is something fun and liberating dressing in something I know men won’t like. It makes me feel like I’m in control — almost as if I’m daring Charlie not to want me. Accessorize with a cheeky smile and you’re good to go! HE SAYS: I would trust this person to check my oil and change a tyre, but I can’t imagine taking her out for a spin. That low-slung crotch and saggy bum aren’t doing it for me. I think I can speak for most men when I say we don’t much like this shapeless, masculine look. She looks like she’s about to jump out of a plane at 30,000 ft! |
从让女人显得腿短的笨重平底鞋,到成功地遮住了身体曲线的宽松茧形大衣,让女人尖叫男人作呕的时尚潮流似乎看不到尽头。 事实上在这个季节,这种让男人避而远之的时装设计风格在英国商业街屡见不鲜,甚至还被冠以美名“男人驱赶神器”。 在此,经常装束诱惑的金姆·卡里洛(Kim Carillo)就试穿了几套“驱男必备”服饰,而且正如我们所料,她很中意这种舒适第一样式第二的设计风格。不过,她的老公查理先生(Charlie)对此又有何要说? 出乎意料地性感——其实你只是一台旧锅炉吧? 她说:尽管这衣服略为宽松、裤裆也很低,但我没想到穿上去很性感啊。穿着特别舒服,这让我仿佛回到了以前穿着黑色连体裤跳舞的欢乐时光。我知道我老公肯定恨死我这身打扮了,但就是这样才好玩呢,而且这还象征着女性的解放。这身装束让我觉得一切完全由我自己掌控——几乎到了就算查理抛弃我我都不怕的境界了。再来个嬉笑,真是太棒了! 他说:我会让穿着这个的人帮我检查油箱或者换胎,但绝对没有带她出去兜个风的欲望。这种低裆垮裤的设计我完全没办法接受。我想说男人不太喜欢这种不成形的中性打扮,而且我觉得大多数男性都会同意我这一看法。她看上去就像是马上要从3万英尺高的飞机中跳出去的跳伞员一样! |
上一篇 : 麦当劳明年启用新口号“Lovin Beats Hatin'”
下一篇 : 多数男性会在首次约会时撒谎
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