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Japan: 6 weird and wonderful services just for women
4. Anti-loneliness cafes Table for one? Visit the new crop of restaurants consoling lonely diners with a spot of company in the form of a giant stuffed animal. Aimed at ohitorisama or "singletons", a word commonly used in Japan to refer to unmarried women, the Moomin Cafe in Tokyo seats solo customers opposite cuddly toys based on the characters from Finland's Moomin books. The cafe has been so popular, there are now plans to export the concept to New York. |
4. 抗孤独咖啡馆 担心一个人用餐太孤独?快来“姆明咖啡馆”(Moomin Cafe)吧!坐在你对面的大玩偶饭友定会让你不再孤单。这家咖啡屋以芬兰卡通形象“姆明”为主题,专为单身女性(日语为ohitorisama)开设。如今,“抗孤独咖啡馆”在日本大受欢迎,更有在纽约开设连锁店的计划。 |
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