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Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at a conference on improving the mass organizations' operation in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)
President Xi Jinping said on July 7 that China's 1.3 billion people should be better mobilized by mass organizations to achieve the country's full potential.
“群团组织”即“群体性社团组织”,可以用英文mass organizations 表示。社团组织一般分为“群体性社团组织”(mass organization)、“学术性社团组织”(academic organization)和“活动性社团组织”(activist organization)。“群体性社团组织”主要特点是经常进行群体性活动,主要有青年团、妇联、工会、工商联、残联、文联、关工委等,是党联系群众的桥梁和纽带(channels that connect the public with the CPC)。其中,mass意为“大众”、“群众”,如,群众路线(mass line)、群众工作(mass work)、大众教育(mass education)、大众传媒(mass media)、群众欢庆游行(mass pageant)。
习近平指出,群团工作(the work of mass organizations)是党的事业的重要组成部分。新形势下,党的群团工作只能加强、不能削弱,只能改进提高、不能停滞不前(Under new circumstances, the work of mass organizations should be improved, not weakened or allowed to stagnate)。保证党始终同广大人民群众同呼吸、共命运、心连心(The Party should always share the fate of the people, with their hearts closely linked together)。
习近平肯定了党的群团工作取得的显著成绩,同时提出要重点解决脱离群众(being alienated from the people)的问题。切实增强群团组织的政治性、先进性、群众性和服务性,广大群团干部要自觉践行“三严三实”(three stricts and three earnests)、自觉抵制和纠正“四风”(four undesirable work styles)问题,把广大人民群众对美好生活的追求汇聚成强大动力,共同谱写新篇章。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)
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