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前两天习近平主席在华盛顿参加奥巴马总统举行的国宴时,大家只关注了出席国宴的商界大佬,却没发现美国R&B实力唱作人Ne-Yo也在国宴现场,而且他还现场表演助兴了哦,唱的是他的名曲“Because of You”。这首歌是Ne-Yo发表于2007年的专辑《Because of You》中的同名首发曲,是很多歌迷播放器里的必备曲目。
Ne-Yo: Because Of You
Ooo, want to but I can't help it
I love the way it feels
This got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real
I need it when I want it
I want it when I don't
Tell myself I'll stop everyday
Knowing that I won't
I got a problem, and I (don't know what to do about it)
Even if I did, I don't know if I would quit
But I doubt it; I'm
Taken by the thought of it
And I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction
I'm so strung out on you
I can barely move, but I like it
So, then it's all because of you (all because of you)
So, then it's all because of you (all because of you)
And it's all because of you (all because of you)
So, then it's all because
Never get enough
She's the sweetest drug
Think of it every second
I can't get nothing done
Only concern is the next time I'm gon' get me some
Know I should stay away from
'Cause it's no good for me
I try and try, but my obsession won't let me leave
I got a problem, and I (don't know what to do about it)
Ooo, even if I did, I don't know if I would quit
But I doubt it, I'm
Taken by the thought of it
And I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction
I'm so strung out on you (strung out on you)
I can barely move, ooo, but I like it (but I like it)
So, then it's all because of you (all because of you)
So, then it's all because of you (all because of you)
And it's all because of you (all because of you)
So, then it's all because
Never get enough (never get enough)
She's the sweetest drug
Ain't no doubt (no doubt, hey)
So strung out (strung out, hey)
Ain't no doubt
So strung out (hey)
(Over you)
Over you (you)
Over you (you)
(Because of you
And it's all because of you
Mmm, never get enough
She's the sweetest drug)
Ne-Yo原名Shaffer C. Smith,效仿《黑客帝国》影片里男主角的名字Neo给自己起了一个NE-YO的艺名,出生于美国阿肯色州一个音乐世家,自幼生活在一个单亲家庭,被母亲抚养长大。为了使Ne-Yo有更好的发展,母亲带着他移居拉斯维加斯。2004年,一直潜心创作的Ne-Yo一鸣惊人,他和马里奥(Mario)合作创作的单曲《Let Me Love You》不仅曾连续九周垄断Billboard Hot 100单曲榜,还以1亿8千9百50万次的收听次数创纪录的成为电台单周收听量最大的单曲。其中,由Ne-Yo创作的感人至深歌词更是给人留下了很深的印象。在2006年首张专辑发行之前,Ne-Yo的歌声还不为人所知,但作为一名出色的词曲创作人,Ne-Yo这个名字已经响彻整个美国R&B音乐圈。从90年代末开始,Ne-Yo就开始为多位一线歌手创作歌曲,这其中包括了玛丽·J·布里奇(Mary J. Blige),鲁本·斯图达德(Ruben Studdard),B2K,克里斯蒂娜·米兰(Christina Milian),吉米·福克斯(Jamie Foxx)和海瑟·海德丽(Heather Headley)等。
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