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6. Egyptian workers were known to organize labor strikes.
Even though they regarded the pharaoh as a kind of living god, Egyptian workers were not afraid to protest for better working conditions.
The most famous example came in the 12th century B.C. during the reign of the New Kingdom pharaoh Ramses III. When laborers engaged in building the royal necropolis at Deir el-Medina did not receive their usual payment of grain, they organized one of the first recorded strikes in history.
最好的例证莫过于公元前12世纪的大罢工,当时正值拉美西斯三世上位期间,工人们在修建位于德尔麦迪娜(Deir el-Medina)的皇家陵墓时,因未能得到与往常等量的粮食作为报酬,他们愤而组织了一起史无前例的罢工运动。
The protest took the form of a sit-in: The workers simply entered nearby mortuary temples and refused to leave until their grievances were heard. The gamble worked, and the laborers were eventually given their overdue rations.
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