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4. 低俗弹幕
vulgar bullet-screen comments
Vulgar bullet-screen comments on some video websites is harmful to the development of teenagers and a review mechanism should be set up, said Legal Daily citing an expert.
"弹幕"这个概念来源于日本(the idea behind bullet screen originated in Japan),指观众在看电影或视频时通过手机发送出去的信息(text messages that audience members send via their mobile phones while watching the film or video)。这些信息发送之后都被直接显示在屏幕上(The messages are then projected onto the screen),所以,观看电影或视频的时候,你随时都可能看到屏幕上都是滚动显示的"子弹",也就是评论(at any given time you may see multiple "bullets", or comments, scrolling across the screen)。
目前在校大学生大多都浏览过弹幕视频网站(most college students browsed the bullet-screen/bullet-curtain video websites),而且弹幕使用人群有低龄化趋势(present a low age tendency)。弹幕提供了一种在观看视频时与人在线同步交流的方式(offer viewers a way to communicate on screen in sync with their videos),但在带来乐趣与便利的同时,也呈现出低俗化(vulgarization)的趋势,极易沦为色情和低俗信息的传播工具(become an easy way to spread erotic and vulgar information)。
专家建议,出于净化网络环境(purify the Internet)以及保护未成年人不受有害信息侵袭的考虑,应该对弹幕设置一定的门槛,或建立审查机制,屏蔽掉低俗淫秽内容(filter the vulgar and obscene contents),将违反规定的公司列入黑名单(put rule-breaking companies on a blacklist)。
互动性 social interactivity
反低俗行动 anti-vulgarity campaign
打击淫秽 crack down on obscenity
低俗作品 vulgar production
5. 猪周期
hog/pork cycle
After several years of low prices, the price of pork rose this year to a new historical peak. Reviewing the fluctuating pork prices in China, there is an obvious "hog cycle".
"猪周期"(hog cycle/pork cycle),是一种经济现象(economic phenomenon),指"价高伤民,价贱伤农"的周期性供应和价格波动(cyclical fluctuations of supply and prices)怪圈。该词1925年最早出现在美国。
梳理最近我国15年的猪价变化,大致有5个"猪周期"。从波峰来看,分别出现在2001、2004、2008、2011年和今年。"猪周期"的循环轨迹一般是:肉价上涨——母猪存栏量(numbers of sows on hand)大增——生猪供应增加——肉价下跌——大量淘汰母猪——生猪供应减少——肉价上涨。一个完整的"猪周期"一般在2-3年左右。
分析人士指出,此次猪肉价格上涨(the rise in pork prices)是因为各地提高环保门槛,许多养殖户标准不达标退出市场(exit the market),以及春节极端天气(extreme weather)的影响,导致猪肉供应紧张(in short supply)。
专家指出,破解"猪周期",根子还在促进养猪业产业升级(upgrade pig-raising industry),促进规模化、专业化和工厂化的养殖。
供需平衡 the balance of supply and demand
价格波动 price fluctuation/volatility
生产积极性 incentive to produce
宏观调控 macro-control
市场机制 market mechanism
6. 钓鱼执法
sting/entrapment operation
A fake university established as part of a sting operation to expose student visa scams has netted 21 suspects in mass arrests carried out by American immigration authorities.
这所北新泽西大学2013年成立,工作人员是卧底探员,不设课程,没有讲师(be staffed by undercover agents, but without classes or instructors)。嫌疑人知道这是一所野鸡大学(bogus/phony university),但不知道这是美国移民海关执法局密探设下的圈套的一部分(part of a sting by undercover agents from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement)。他们帮助外国客户办理入学,从而骗取留学签证,自己则收取回扣(enroll their foreign clients to fraudulently maintain their student visa status in exchange for kickbacks)。被告人面临共谋实施签证欺诈(conspiracy to commit visa fraud)和共谋庇护外国人获利(conspiracy to harbor aliens for profit)两项罪名指控。
"钓鱼执法"(sting/entrapment operation)指在掌握一定证据的同时,为了抓获已知犯罪嫌疑人,而通过"诱惑"(entrap/snare)的方式使其落网。钓鱼执法因在某种程度上有诱导嫌疑人犯罪的倾向一直以来饱受争议(has always been controversial as it in some way lures suspects to commit crimes)。但对于此案,美当局辩解称,签证骗取者从一开始就知道大学是假的,提供的服务是非法的,却仍然寻求服务(visa fraudsters sought the services from day one knowing that the university was fake and the services were not legitimate),他们是这次行动的"自愿行事者"(they were "willing participants" in the scheme)。
非移民身份 nonimmigrant status
学校行政人员 school administrator
欺诈手段 fraudulent tactic
付钱即可留下 pay to stay
合法永久居民 legal permanent resident
上一篇 : 一周热词榜(3.28-4.1)
下一篇 : 一周热词榜(5.7-13)
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