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中国日报网 2016-06-08 16:58








1. You see, that's the beauty of complacency, Judy. 这就是知足常乐,朱迪。

2. Cut it out, Gideon! 住手,吉迪恩!

3. He cheats like there's no tomorrow. 他那作弊真是没底线。

4. Here come the waterworks. 要哭鼻子了。

5. I should get to roll call. 我得去点名了。

6. Oh, bull pen's over there to the left. 候补区在那边左侧。

7. Beat it. 快走吧。

8. It burns me up to see folks with such backward attitudes towards fox. 听到别人对狐狸有偏见我就受不了。

9. I stood up for you, and you lied to me. 我为你出头,你却骗了我。

10. The Mammal Inclusion Initiative is really starting to pay off. 哺乳动物选拔行动真的有了成效。

11. Mayor Lionheart is just gonna be so jazzed! 狮心市长肯定高兴坏了。

12. It means I have a lead. 意思是我有线索了。

13. Fine. Then we'll have to do this the hard way. 好吧。看来你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒。

14. Well, it's my word against yours. 空口无凭。

15. Okay. You're the boss. 好吧。你说了算。

16. Well, I had a ball. 我玩得很开心。

17. We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts. 我们的时间真的很紧,每一分钟都很重要。

18. It's a bummer. 真是扫兴。

19. You're a very sore loser. 你真是个输不起的家伙。

20. We broke bread together. 我们还共进晚餐。

21. I will take your kindness, and pay it forward. 我感谢你的善良,我要报答你。

22. Never let them see that they get to you. 别让他们知道自己能影响你。

23. It looks that old Doug's cornered the market on Night Howlers. 看起来道格垄断了整个“午夜嚎叫”的市场。

24. I'll buzz you when it's done. 搞定了我打你电话。


Get Flash Player

Nick: Well, I had a ball. You are welcome for the clue. And seeing as any moron can run a plate, I will take that pen and bid you adieu.

Judy: The plate. I can't run a plate. I'm not in the system yet.

Nick: Give me the pen, please.

Judy: What was it you said? Any moron can run a plate? Gosh, if only there were a moron around who were up to the task.

Nick: Rabbit, I did what you asked. You can't keep me on the hook forever.

Judy: Not forever. Well, I only have 36 hours left to solve this case. So can you run the plate or not?

Nick: Actually, I just remembered, I have a pal at the DMV. Flash is the fastest guy in there. You need something done, he's on it.

Judy: I hope so. We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts. Wait. They're all sloths? You said this was going to be quick!

Nick: What, are you saying just because he's a sloth he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone could be anything. Flash, Flash, Hundred Yard Dash! Buddy, it's nice to see you.

Flash: Nice to...see you...too.

Nick: Hey, Flash, I'd love you to meet my friend. Ah...Darlin, I've forgotten your name.

Judy: Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD. How are you?

Flash: I am...doing...just...

Judy: Fine?

Flash: as well...as...I can...be... What...

Nick: Hang in there.

Flash: ...can I...do...

Judy: Well, I was hoping you could run a plate...

Flash: ...for you...

Judy: Well, I was hoping you could...

Flash: ...today?

Judy: Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry.

Flash: Sure... What's the...plate...

Judy: 2-9-T...

Flash: Number?

Judy: 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.

Flash: 2...9...

Judy: T-H-D-0-3.

Flash: T...

Judy: H-D-0-3.

Flash: H...

Judy: D-0-3.

Flash: D...

Judy: 0-3.

Flash: 0...

Judy: 3!

Nick: Hey, Flash. Wanna hear a joke?

Judy: No!

Flash: Sure.

Nick: What do you call a three-humped camel?

Flash: I don't know. What do you call...

Judy: Three-humped camel...

Flash: A three-humped...camel?

Nick: Pregnant. Ha ha ha ha.

(Flash opens his mouth very slowly and laughs)

Judy: Ha ha. Yes, very funny, very funny! Can we please just focus on the task?

Flash: Hey...

Judy: Wait, wait!

Flash: Priscilla!

Judy: Oh, no!

Priscilla: Yes... Flash?

Flash: What...do...

Judy: No...

Flash: ...you call...

Judy: A three-humped camel? Pregnant!

Flash: three...

Judy: Okay! Great! We got it! Please just...

Flash: humped...

(Judy freaked out)

Flash: Here...you...

Judy: Yes! Yeah, yeah! Thank you! 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.

Flash: ...go.

Judy: It's registered to...Tundratown Limo Service. A limo took Otterton! And the limo's in Tundratown! It's in Tundratown!

Nick: Way to hustle, bud. I love you. I owe you.

Judy: Hurry! We gotta beat the rush hour and... It's night?!

(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)



















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