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4. 二孩经济
second-child economy
With the adoption of the overall two-child policy, China has seen a boom of its "second-child economy", heating up related industries.
准妈妈(mother-to-be/expectant mother)人数的激增使得保胎育儿药品成为"抢手货"。为了提高怀孕几率(improve their chances of conceiving),许多人都前往药店(pharmaceuticals)买药。叶酸、多种维生素等产前补充剂涨幅最高(prenatal supplements like folic acid and multivitamins have seen the highest increase),如金斯利安的销量涨幅为90%,爱乐维的销量涨幅为71%。
由于产检需求(demand for antenatal care)的不断增加,各大医院的产科(obstetrical departments)经常人满为患。准妈妈们通常要等很久才能排到号进行产检,一些知名妇幼医院(well-known women and children's hospitals)的产科门诊(outpatient service)更是"一号难求"。有时,准妈妈甚至要排队几小时才能看上专家(line up for hours to see a specialist)。
受巨大的需求影响,许多孕婴相关行业的利润都大幅增长。婴儿游泳池等幼儿设施(children's facilities like baby swimming pools)前永远排着长队。一些附加值较高的行业更是对"二孩经济(second-child economy)"感到期待,比如,如今许多儿童摄影工作室(child photo studios)纷纷对其业务进行扩张(expand their businesses)。此外,购物中心(shopping mall)和娱乐中心(entertainment center)也看准了这个巨大的商机(great business opportunity),开设更多儿童天地、玩具专区、婴幼儿用品专区。
有专家预计,根据此前的生育率(fertility rate)和结婚夫妇以及人口年龄(population ages)测算,2017-2019年可能是二孩出生的高峰(second child births may peak between 2017 and 2019)。这给婴儿食品(infant food)、母婴零售、婴幼儿早教(early education for infants and toddlers)及出国留学等领域带来新的投资机会(investment opportunities)。
全面二孩政策 universal/overall two-child policy
生育时间表 birth time schedule
母婴用品 maternal and child supplies
婴幼儿配方奶粉 infant formula milk
婴幼儿用品行业 industries related to infants and children
5. 女性总统候选人
female presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton has been crowned as the Democratic presidential nominee, making history as the first female presidential candidate, and firing the gun on a fierce battle with Donald Trump, the Republican nominee.
当地时间26日,美国前国务卿(former secretary of state)希拉里·克林顿在宾夕法尼亚州费城召开的民主党全国代表大会(Democratic National Convention)上正式获得该党总统候选人提名(be formally anointed Democratic presidential candidate)。当天,来自美国50个州、哥伦比亚特区和海外领地的各代表团逐一公布了投票结果。南达科他州公布投票结果后,希拉里所得党代表票数累计超过获得提名所需的2383票(Clinton has more than the 2,383 delegates needed to win the party's nomination)。美国广播电视新闻网对此评论称,希拉里成为总统候选人打破了美国政坛一道依然存在的"看不见的屏障(invisible barrier)"。在希拉里被提名后,其丈夫、美国前任总统比尔·克林顿发表演讲,称赞希拉里为天生的领导者(natural leader),也是其一生中遇到的最佳革新者(the best darn change-maker he has ever met in his entire life)。28日希拉里正式接受了民主党总统候选人提名,承诺提供"稳定的领导(steady leadership)"并为美国人创造更多的经济机会(more economic opportunities for Americans)。
尽管希拉里如愿获得总统候选人提名,但民主党内因此前曝光的邮件丑闻而出现的分裂局面依旧存在。许多桑德斯的支持者仍对初选结果感到失望(many Sanders fans remained dismayed at the outcome of the primary),他们表示初选过程受到了操纵、对这位佛蒙特州的参议员不利(be rigged against the Vermont senator)。希拉里获得正式提名后,数十名桑德斯的支持者走出会场,在旁边的媒体中心内静坐抗议(a few dozens of his supporters walked out of the hall in protest, staging a sit-in inside the adjacent media center)。
女权主义者 feminist
性别平等 gender equality
总统大选 presidential election
选举人团 electoral college
蓝州(支持民主党的州) blue state
红州(支持共和党的州) red state
摇摆州 swing state
6. 脂肪税
fat tax
The government of Kerala in India announced a 14.5% "fat tax" on pizzas, burgers, sandwiches, tacos and other junk food served in branded outlets.
喀拉拉邦是印度肥胖症患者第二多的地区,仅次于印度北部的旁遮普邦(Kerala has the most number of people suffering from obesity after the northern state of Punjab in India)。为了让人们更加注意对饮食的选择和控制肥胖(make people more conscious about food choices and curb obesity)问题,喀拉拉邦政府推出的"脂肪税"明确规定,在麦当劳、肯德基、赛百味等餐厅出售的高脂肪和高热量食品(high fat and calorie food)都属于"脂肪税"征收的范畴。
当地官员表示,此举旨在抑制可能导致肥胖的食品消费(curb consumption of food which might lead to obesity),同时也是为了响应世界卫生组织倡议的使用财政手段促进健康饮食的号召(in sync with the World Health Organization's advocacy of using fiscal tools to promote healthy eating)。虽然这项措施可能会令部分年轻人感到沮丧(upset some youth),但医生和家长都会为此感到高兴。一名当地儿科医生表示,脂肪税并不一定能阻止孩子们食用"垃圾食品",不过由于家长在购买这些食品时会因价格问题而三思,垃圾食品的消费量将会下降(consumption of junk food will drop)。
为了与肥胖作斗争,许多国家都曾考虑引入脂肪税。2011年,丹麦就曾推出过脂肪税(Denmark introduced a fat tax in 2011),但后来因为发现国内消费者纷纷跨境购买高脂肪食品(consumers shop across the border for high fat goods),又于2013年废除了该政策。
减肥 lose weight
体脂肪率 body fat percentage
腹肌 abdominal muscles
个税 personal income tax
房产税 housing property tax
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