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1. 白皮书
white paper
The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China on Wednesday published a white paper titled "China Adheres to the Position of Settling Through Negotiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea".
当地时间12日,设在荷兰海牙的南海仲裁案仲裁庭(the tribunal handling the South China Sea arbitration case)"如期"公布了所谓的"最终裁决"(issue the so called "final award")。对此,中方发表声明称,菲律宾单方面提起仲裁(the arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Philippine)违背国际法(International Law),仲裁庭对此案没有管辖权(the panel has no jurisdiction)。仲裁庭裁决是非法无效的(its decision is illegal and null and void),中国不接受,不承认(China does not accept or recognize the "award")。
中国国家主席习近平当日在钓鱼台国宾馆会见到访的欧洲领导人(visiting European leaders)时强调,南海诸岛自古以来就是中国领土(the South China Sea Islands have been China's territory since ancient times)。中国在南海的领土主权(territorial sovereignty)和海洋权益(maritime interests)在任何情况下不受仲裁裁决的影响(under no circumstances be affected by those awards)。中国不接受任何基于该仲裁裁决的主张和行动(claim or action based on those awards)。
13日,国新办发布了解决中菲南海争议的白皮书(white paper),从南海诸岛的历史(the history of the South China Sea Islands)、中菲南海争议的由来(origin of the relevant disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea)、中国处理南海问题的政策(China's policy on the South China Sea issue)等五个方面进行阐述,并举办新闻发布会介绍中国在南海问题上的政策立场(position and policy)。
中国外交部副部长刘振民称,菲律宾南海仲裁(庭)与位于海牙的常设仲裁法院(Permanent Court of Arbitration,PCA)不是一个系统。常设仲裁法院可为仲裁庭提供秘书服务(secretarial service),比如菲律宾南海仲裁庭在庭审(trial)的时候使用了常设仲裁法院的大厅。刘振民还表示,菲律宾南海仲裁庭的组成实际上是一个政治操作的结果(a result of political manipulation)。5名仲裁员中的4名是由国际海洋法法庭(the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea)时任庭长、日本籍法官柳井俊二指定,而柳井俊二是日本安倍政府安保法制恳谈会会长。国际法院和海洋法法庭的法官的酬金、薪水是由联合国支付的,目的是保证他们的独立性、公正性(independence and impartiality)。而这五名仲裁员是提供有偿服务(paid services),挣的是菲律宾的钱,可能还有其他方面给的钱。
南京大学中国南海研究协同创新中心执行主任、南京大学国际关系研究院院长朱锋说:"白皮书的发表本身就是对南海仲裁裁决的有力回击(push back forcefully against the award of the arbitral tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration),因为菲律宾南海仲裁裁决不仅歪曲事实(distort the facts),否定中国的南海主权和海洋权益的历史依据(historical basis),而且完全偏袒菲律宾。裁决结果可以说非常荒唐。"
仲裁庭 arbitral tribunal
管辖权 jurisdiction
南海问题 the South China Sea issue
领土问题 territorial issue
海域划界 maritime delimitation
争端解决程序 dispute settlement procedures
2. 网络侵权
Internet copyright infringement
Blacklists naming websites, mobile apps and other platforms that violate copyrights will be created as part of the latest campaign to tackle online copyright infringement, China's top copyright watchdog said on Tuesday.
国家版权局(National Copyright Administration)、国家网信办(Cyberspace Administration of China)、工信部(Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)和公安部(Ministry of Public Security)下发通知,于12日启动为期5个月的打击网络侵权(Internet copyright infringement)专项行动。自2010年以来,我国开始开展一年一度的专项行动(annual campaign),重点整治音乐、电影、文学作品、游戏、电子商务(e-commerce)和软件等方面的网络侵权行为。
本次行动重点整治未经授权非法传播网络文学、新闻、音像等作品的行为(the unlicensed distribution of literature, news and audio and visual products on the Internet),保障有关权利人的合法权益(protect the legitimate rights and interests of right holders);重点查处通过智能移动终端第三方应用程序(app)、电子商务平台(e-commerce platform)、网络广告联盟、私人影院(private movie theater)等平台进行的侵权盗版行为,维护网络版权正常秩序(maintain the normal order of Internet copyright);进一步规范网络音乐、网络云存储空间(network cloud storage space)、网络转载新闻作品的版权秩序。
专项行动要求各地版权、互联网信息内容、通信主管、公安部门加强监管(urge local copyright, Internet information, telecom and police departments to strengthen supervision),严厉打击互联网论坛和社交网络平台上的知识产权侵权行为(intellectual property rights infringement)。国家版权局版权管理司司长于慈珂表示,今年还将建立显示版权保护水平的"黑白名单"(build blacklists and whitelists to indicate the level of copyright protection),推进版权领域信用体系建设(promote the construction of credit system in copyright field)。
盗版软件 pirated software
山寨应用 fake app
专利产品 patented product
注册商标 registered trademark
知识产权 intellectual property right
3. 同胞竞争障碍
sibling rivalry disorder
A 10-year-old girl who recently suffered headaches, vomiting and listlessness was diagnosed with sibling rivalry disorder after doctors found that her parents were focusing their attention on her infant brother born six months ago.
同胞竞争障碍是指在年龄较小的弟弟妹妹出生之后,年龄较大孩子出现的某种程度的情感紊乱(emotional disturbance)。多数儿童都可能出现这种状况,但如果情感紊乱的程度异乎寻常,就有可能被认为是病理性(pathological)。程度轻重和表现形式会因个体而存在很大差异,有的孩子可能会出现焦虑(anxiety),抑郁(depression)等精神症状(emotional symptoms)。
据报道,患病女孩原本活泼(happy and active)可爱,成绩优异(enjoy good academic scores),在班里还是班长(class monitor),但是因为父母有了二宝之后,对她的关注少了,忽略了她的情感需求(emotional needs),导致她患上了同胞竞争障碍。
浙医二院儿科主任(director of pediatrics at the Second Hospital Affiliated with the School of Medicine at Zhejiang University)冯建华表示,随着全面二孩政策(universal two-child policy)的放开,很多父母纷纷有所行动,使得这类例子的数量有所增加(the number of such cases is rising)。最近,他接连收治了几个小患者(several young patients)。他们都是刚"上任"的哥哥和姐姐,却还没做好准备(are not fully prepared)。
"我们建议,从想要二孩(have a second child)前,父母就该关注大宝的看法。"冯建华主任说,当二宝出生的时候,父母不要忘了大宝其实还只是需要呵护的孩子(a child needing parent's care)。如果父母使大宝产生"爸妈不爱我"(Mom and Dad don't love me)的想法,可能会影响日后父母与子女、子女相互之间的关系。每个孩子潜意识中都想独享父母亲的爱(every child subconsciously wants to exclusively enjoy parent's love),所以容易出现同胞竞争障碍。
心理学家建议,从母亲怀孕(when the mother becomes pregnant)开始,家长就应帮助孩子培养对弟妹的责任感和爱(a sense of responsibility and love)。家长应关注孩子的感受,避免对两个孩子进行比较(be aware of kids' feelings and avoid comparing two children)。如果大宝不愿意,就不要强迫他们与二宝分享玩具或零食(force the elder child to share toys or snacks with the younger one)。
反弟妹联盟 anti-siblings alliance
独生子女政策 one-child policy
危机感 sense of crisis
备孕 plan for pregnancy
上一篇 : 一周热词榜(7.2-7.8)
下一篇 : 一周热词榜(7.16-22)
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