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4. 新内阁
new cabinet
Theresa May is forming her new cabinet after becoming Conservative prime minister.
13日,在白金汉宫觐见过英国女王伊丽莎白二世(an audience with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace)后,前内政大臣(former home secretary)特里莎·梅正式成为英国第二位女首相(female prime minister)。梅入主首相官邸(official residence)后,在第一时间公布了新内阁(new cabinet)的名单。
新内阁中最大的意外便是脱欧阵营的领军人物、伦敦市前市长(the former London mayor who led the Brexit campaign)鲍里斯·约翰逊,他被任命为外交大臣(foreign secretary)。曾在前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔和约翰·梅杰内阁中任职的马尔科姆·里夫金德对此表示担忧,他称任命鲍里斯为外交部长是"冒险的"(Boris's appointment as foreign secretary is "risky"),因为让鲍里斯受到公众欢迎的那些品质并不一定能让他成为一名优秀的外交家(the qualities that make him popular with the public did not necessarily make him a good diplomat)。
梅在其内阁中还增设了"退欧大臣"这一全新的职位(a newly created post of Brexit secretary),全权负责英国与欧盟事务的谈判(take charge of negotiating Britain's exit from the European Union)。这一新职位由疑欧派保守党议员(Eurosceptic Conservative Member of Parliament)戴维·戴维斯出任。另一新设职位——国际贸易大臣由利亚姆·福克斯出任。法新社评论称,增设这一职位反映出,英国举行"脱欧"公投(EU referendum)后,需要与中国、印度等非欧盟国家加强商贸往来(strengthen trade and business with China, India and other non-EU countries)。
前能源大臣安伯·拉德接替梅担任内政大臣(ex-energy secretary Amber Rudd took over May's former role as home secretary),前外交大臣菲利普·哈蒙德接替乔治·奥斯本成为财政大臣(Chancellor of the Exchequer)。仅有4名前内阁成员留任原职(just four cabinet positions have stayed in the same hands),分别是国防大臣迈克尔·法伦、卫生大臣杰里米·亨特、威尔士事务大臣(Welsh Secretary)阿伦·凯恩斯、苏格兰事务大臣戴维·蒙代尔。据英国广播公司统计,新内阁当前的男女成员比例几乎保持不变(the current male-female ratio of the cabinet remains roughly the same),为7比3,但成员数量增至16人。
英国保守党 Conservative Party
英国工党 Labor Party
英国议会上院 House of Lords
英国议会下院 House of Commons
唐宁街10号 No 10 Downing Street
君主立宪制 constitutional monarchy
影子内阁 shadow cabinet
5. 国庆日袭击事件
Bastille Day attack
At least 84 people were killed during a horrific Bastille Day attack in Nice, France.
当地时间14日晚22时,法国度假胜地尼斯的国庆日烟花汇演现场发生一辆卡车冲撞人群事件(a truck ploughed through/smashed into crowds in the French resort of Nice as they were enjoying a Bastille Day fireworks display),目前已造成84人死亡、百余人受伤,两名中国公民在此次恐袭中受伤。
目击者拍摄的视频显示,袭击发生后,英国人漫步大道(Promenade des Anglais)上躺着许多伤者和遇难者(dead and injured people were lying in the street),地上洒满鲜血,有路人为伤者进行救助。法国BFMTV电视台在现场的工作人员吉米·加扎勒说,冲入人群的卡车以中低速行驶。事发前英国人漫步大道已禁止车辆通行,有警车设置路障。肇事的载重卡车为白色,大约在22时30分冲破警方路障(plow through security barriers),卡车上响起枪声(the crackle of gunfire)。卡车在人群中行驶约2公里后,司机被警方击毙(the driver was shot dead by the police after barrelling the truck about 2 km through the crowd)。警方在卡车内发现枪支和爆炸物(discovery of weapons and grenades inside the truck),还找到一名突尼斯裔法国籍男子(a French citizen born in Tunisia/a French-Tunisian)的身份证。身份证显示,这名男子现年31岁,住在尼斯(the identity papers indicate the 31-year-old man is a resident of Nice)。
法国总统奥朗德认为,这起袭击的"恐怖性质无法否认(the terroristic character of the attack cannot be denied)",并宣布将全国紧急状态延长3个月(extend the country's state of emergency for three months)。法国自去年11月巴黎恐怖袭击事件后开始进入戒备状态,原本应在7月26日结束。奥朗德已召集政府要员启动部际紧急指挥中心,奥朗德于15日凌晨在巴黎发表电视讲话说(said in a televised address):"法国在象征自由的国庆日这天遭受袭击,整个法国仍然在恐怖主义威胁下。"目前尚未有组织或个人宣布对尼斯恐袭事件负责(claim responsibility for the attack)。
自杀式炸弹袭击者 suicide bomber
反恐 counter-terrorism
屠杀 massacre/slaughter
极端分子 extremist
狂热分子 fanatic
主谋 mastermind
6. 口袋妖怪Go
Pokemon Go
Japanese gaming giant Nintendo soared again Thursday, taking a week-long rally to 75% as investors ride the coattails of the Pokemon Go phenomenon sweeping the planet.
Pokemon是pocket monster的缩写,有多种译法,比如:口袋妖怪、口袋精灵、神奇宝贝、宠物小精灵、精灵宝可梦等。自1996年首款《口袋妖怪》角色扮演游戏(role-playing game, RPG)在日本发行以来,该主题已陆续推出了电影、漫画甚至主题公园(theme park)。《口袋妖怪Go》是一款基于增强现实(augmented reality, AR)技术和基于地理位置服务(location based service, LBS)的手游(mobile game),由3家开发商(developers)合作开发:口袋妖怪公司(The Pokemon Company)提供内容支持(content provider)、设计游戏故事内容;从谷歌独立出去的Niantic Labs提供技术支持(provide technological support)和AR技术;任天堂(Nintendo)则负责游戏开发及全球发行(global distribution)。
本月6日,这款游戏在美国、澳大利亚、新西兰市场首发(debut),可在安卓、iOS操作系统免费下载。自发布以来,该游戏迅速蹿红(become an instant hit),已成为苹果应用商店中下载量最高的免费应用(the most downloaded free app on Apple's app store),在安卓设备上的安装量也迅速达到10万份。当用户在现实世界中漫步时(as users wander through the real world),该应用借助全球定位系统(with the help of GPS)展现了带有口袋妖怪的动画版谷歌地图(show an animated version of Google maps with Pokemon)。当口袋妖怪出现在视野中(within range)时,游戏玩家的手机会震动(gamers' phones vibrate),显示口袋妖怪实时舞动(show the Pokemon dancing around in real-time)。用户滑动精灵球,投向口袋妖怪(throw a Pokeball at the Pokemon by swiping towards it),即可抓到口袋妖怪。口袋妖怪出现的位置不是随机的(random),比如水系的口袋妖怪可以在湖边和海边找到(water types can be found near lakes and oceans),这种现实世界与虚拟属性的匹配也增加了游戏的娱乐性。该游戏的口号是"全都要抓住(gotta catch'em all)"。
分析人士表示,《口袋妖怪Go》如此火爆的三个因素是低门槛、怀旧(nostalgia)和社交。仅靠GPS和摄像头就能实现的AR技术,大大方便了虚拟世界与现实世界的互动(facilitate the interaction between the virtual world and reality)。另一个成功因素在于怀旧,对于在上世纪90年代末成长的人,以及口袋妖怪的其他铁杆粉丝来说(for those who grew up in the late 1990s and other Pokemon aficionados),该游戏唤起了有关皮卡丘、日本动漫、集换卡的怀旧回忆(the game evokes nostalgic memories of Pikachu, anime and trading cards)。此外,该游戏非常适合玩家将"战绩"分享到社交媒体网站上(gamers take to social media sites to share their Pokemon catches),玩家有时还能碰到一群同在附近的口袋妖怪铁杆粉,并成为朋友(meet a bunch of other Pokemon diehards in their neighborhoods and become friends),这款游戏同时促进了社交媒体在线上线下的社交功能。
不过,随着游戏的风靡,负面新闻也时有爆出,比如过于专注游戏使玩家遭遇抢劫(robbery)、车祸(car accidents),走路摔跤等问题。据路透社消息,该游戏存在大量收集用户敏感数据的问题。当玩家使用谷歌账户登录《口袋妖怪Go》(sign in to Pokemon Go through their Google account)时,游戏开放商Niantic将获得用户谷歌账户的完全访问权限(full account access),在这一权限下,Niantic甚至可以查看用户的邮件、浏览用户的谷歌文档(see the contents of Google Docs)等。对此,Niantic回应称,已通过应用更新修复了该问题(fix the issue with an app update),只要求访问谷歌账户的基本信息(ask for basic Google profile information),以及实际访问时所需数据(in line with the data that they actually access)。
虚拟现实 virtual reality
个人数据 personal data
游戏瘾 game addiction
电子游戏 video game
宅男/宅女 homebody
网游 online game
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