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CHINADAILY手机报 2016-08-15 11:39



4. 奥运五金王
five-time Olympic gold medalist



China's Wu Minxia has splashed into the Olympic record books at Rio 2016, bypassing legend Greg Louganis of the US and her "big sister" Guo Jingjing, to become the first diver to win five Olympic golds.

在当地时间7日进行的女子双人3米板比赛中,吴敏霞/施廷懋组合以345.60分的总分获得冠军(win the competition with an overall score of 345.60 points),为中国拿下里约奥运跳水项目的首枚金牌(snatch the first diving gold medal of the Rio Olympics for China)。凭此战绩,31岁的老将吴敏霞也创造了多项纪录(secure a raft of records)。吴敏霞实现了女子双人3米板项目的奥运四连冠(win four consecutive Olympic gold medals),打破了由她自己保持的纪录(break her own record),成为获得奥运跳水项目奖牌数最多的女选手(she has won the most Olympic diving medals by a woman)。此外,她还是获得奥运跳水金牌年龄最大的女性运动员(the oldest woman to win an Olympic diving gold medal)。

从2004年雅典奥运会至今,吴敏霞共获得7枚跳水奖牌(Wu's seven Olympic diving medals dating back to the 2004 Athens Games),超过了前队友(former compatriot)郭晶晶的纪录(6枚)。在2004年的雅典奥运会上,初出茅庐的(young/inexperienced)吴敏霞与郭晶晶搭档,获得女子双人三米板的金牌(win the women's 3m springboard synchronized gold),并获得了女子单人三米板的银牌(win a silver medal in the women's 3m springboard)。2008年在北京奥运会上,吴敏霞同样与郭晶晶联手卫冕女子双人三米板的金牌,并获得单人三米板的铜牌。2012年伦敦奥运会,吴敏霞连续第3次获得双人三米板金牌,这次她的搭档变成了何姿,此外,吴敏霞还获得了女子单人3米板的金牌(win a gold medal in the women's 3m springboard individual competition)。

在2天后进行的女子双人十米台的决赛中(the women's synchronized 10m platform diving final),24岁的"老将"(veteran)陈若琳搭档师妹刘蕙瑕收获了该项目的金牌。

The triumph made Chen a five-time Olympic gold medalist, and put her on a par with compatriot Wu Minxia for the title of most Olympic diving gold medals.


陈若琳是中国跳水队实现女子跳台"大满贯"(Grand Slam)的第一人,2008年北京奥运囊括了单双人项目的两枚金牌,2012年伦敦奥运会(2012 Olympic Games in London),她成为首位奥运10米跳台单双人项目卫冕选手,更成为中国代表团第200枚金牌(the 200th gold medal for the Chinese delegation)得主。如今,陈若琳与吴敏霞一起超越了郭晶晶,成为奥运5金选手,更是其中获得跳台世界冠军最多的选手。


跳板跳水 springboard diving

跳台跳水 platform diving

空中姿势 position in height/in the air

转体 twist

翻腾 somersault

难度系数 degree of difficulty

站姿 starting position

大量水花 massive splash


5. 网红
online sensation, web celebrity, Internet meme/hit/celebrity



Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui's hilarious post-race interviews and exaggerated facial expressions have turned her into an online sensation, with her followers on Weibo rocketing from an already considerable 550,000 people before the Rio Olympics to a staggering 5m this week.

8日,里约奥运女子100米仰泳半决赛(women's 100m backstroke semi-finals)后,傅园慧接受采访时直率的(straight-forward)回答和夸张的表情动作让她一夜爆红(be suddenly thrust into the limelight/become an overnight superstar),被网友称为"行走的表情包(walking emoji package)"。其视频截图被制作成各种表情包,漫画形象(cartoon images/sketches)后也火热出炉。原本生僻的"洪荒之力"成了热词,就连外媒也争先报道,出现了各种译法,如primeval/prehistoric/prehistorical powers,mystic energy,《华尔街日报》则将"洪荒少女"译为Primordial Girl。《赫芬顿邮报》更是直呼傅园慧是"里约奥运最可爱的运动员(the most lovable athlete at the Rio Olympics)"。

有人称傅园慧是游泳界"一股泥石流",颠覆了人们对体育明星的印象(overthrow the common impression of sports stars);更多的人则说她真实、不做作,是"一块璞玉"、"真正的清流"。《纽约时报》称,与其说傅园慧仅仅是为自己的成绩感到开心(rather than mere happiness at her performances),不如说她展现的是一种几近纯粹的快乐(exhibit something closer to pure joy)。此外,傅园慧对自己的成绩表现出了谦虚、令人耳目一新的态度(modest and refreshing attitude to her achievements)。

10日晚,傅园慧亮相某人气直播平台(pop up on a popular live-streaming platform),据统计,时长1小时的直播吸引了1000多万名观众(the 60-minute live stream attracted more than 10 million viewers),傅园慧共收到价值31.8万元的虚拟礼物(virtual gifts)。傅园慧对"收到虚拟礼物"一事一直表现得很反感(apparently not happy),她在直播中(during the live stream)多次请求观众不要再花钱给她送虚拟礼物(beg the audience dozens of times to stop giving away their money for virtual gifts),这让她充满了罪恶感(make her feel guilty)。

她还多次向观众保证,自己不会被商业化(assure the audience several times that she wouldn't be "commercialized"),这个直播是几个月之前约定的(the live-stream deal was struck several months ago),不是意外变成网红之后才签约的(not after her accidental fame as an Internet celebrity)。对直播的观众来说,傅园慧是一股小清新风(Fu is a relative breath of fresh air),与直播行业中充斥的千篇一律的女网红有所不同(a change from the cookie-cutter female Internet celebrities that dominate the business)。


创下个人最佳成绩 record a personal best

抢镜,出风头 steal the show/limelight

一举成名 catapult to fame

吸金者 money spinner

预赛 preliminary, prelim

奖牌获得者 medalist

领奖台 podium


6. 比赛脸
game face



Michael Phelps' game face spawned the best meme of the Rio Olympics. His death stare at South African rival Chad le Clos before the men's 200m butterfly semifinals became an instant Internet sensation.

Game face指the face you put on when you are about to get ready to tackle something difficult, or when you are about to take on a challenge,即准备好应对某件棘手的事情或迎接挑战时做出的表情。在里约奥运会上,美国游泳名将菲尔普斯完美地诠释了这一表情(give a perfect definition of what a game face is)。

当地时间8日,菲尔普斯在里约奥运男子200米蝶泳半决赛中与劲敌(bitter rival)南非选手勒克洛斯再次相遇。勒克洛斯曾在2012年伦敦奥运会200米蝶泳决赛中击败'菲鱼'夺冠(Chad le Clos piped him to gold in the 200m butterfly final at London 2012),那是菲尔普斯自2001年以来第一次丢掉该项目的金牌(Phelps failed to win the event for the first time since 2001)。

半决赛前,菲尔普斯戴着耳机坐在一旁等比赛开始,而勒克洛斯则在他面前又是跳舞、又是打拳地做着热身运动(Le Clos warmed up with a little dancing and shadowboxing directly in front of Phelps)。这使得菲尔普斯面露凶光(it inspired Phelps to give his full axe murderer look),死死盯着他的对手(give a death stare to his opponent),空气里似乎充满了复仇的味道。该场景被相机捕捉到后在网上引发热议,网友称菲尔普斯简直就是《星球大战》(Star Wars)中的黑武士(Darth Vader)的翻版。甚至有网友PS了一道死亡之光,直接射到了勒克洛斯的头上。#菲尔普斯脸迅速成为社交网站上的热门话题(#PhelpsFace quickly became a trending topic on social networks),人们纷纷猜测当时菲尔普斯心里在想啥(imagine what was running through his head)。对此,菲尔普斯在赛后接受美国国家广播公司采访时表示:"我甚至没想真正看他一眼(I was trying to not really even look at him)。他做他的事情,我做我的事情。"


扑克脸 poker face

娃娃脸 baby face

做鬼脸 make a face

泳姿 swimming stroke

蛙泳 breaststroke

仰泳 backstroke

狗刨 dog paddle

救生衣 life jacket


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