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6. 幼儿园荒
kindergarten shortage
China's implementation of a universal two-child policy will impose higher requirements on pre-school education resources, resulting in a possible shortage of kindergarten spots, according to a survey by China Youth Daily.
今年1月1日起,"全面二孩"政策(universal two-child policy)正式实施。"全面二孩"政策实施后出生的首批二孩将在2019年达到学前教育的入学年龄(the first group of children born after the enactment of the policy will be eligible for preschool education in 2019)。从2019年开始,学前教育资源需求将大幅度增长(demand for preschool educational resources will soar),在2021年左右,"全面二孩"对学前教育阶段适龄幼儿规模扩大的影响最大(have maximum impact),当年学前教育阶段的适龄幼儿将增加1500万人左右。
2014年全国共有20.99万所幼儿园,而到2021年我国学前教育园舍需求量达到最大值(reach the peak)31.95万所时,相比2014年的供给量,大约有10.96万所的缺口(a shortage of nearly 109,600 spaces)需要补充。2014年,我国学前教育专任教师有184.41万人,保育员(child-care worker)55.08万人,以此为基准,到2021年需要补充专任教师198.97万人、保育员136.61万人。
《中国青年报》的这份调查建议,教育部应该基于预测数字进行资源配置(allocate resources based on predicted numbers),整合现有教育资源(integrate current education resources),提高学前教育师资质量(improve the quality of kindergarten teachers),缓解"全面二孩"政策带来的压力(relieve the pressure caused by the universal two-child policy),保障适龄儿童接受学前教育的权利(guarantee the rights of eligible children to receive preschool education)。
教育资源分配不均 uneven distribution of educational resources
幼儿园"入园难" kindergarten crunch
普惠性幼儿园 public interest kindergarten
优质学前教育 quality preschool education
义务教育 compulsory education
入学率 enrollment rate
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