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3. 母婴设施
mother-and-child facilities
All major public places in China, such as transportation hubs, big shopping malls and hospitals, should be equipped with mother-and-child facilities used for breast-feeding or diaper changing by the end of 2020, according to a guideline released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission.
据报道,政府出台这项指导意见旨在支持全面二孩政策的落实(support the implementation of the universal two-child policy)。根据这项意见,到2016年年底,全国省会城市(provincial capitals)所有机场、主要火车站(all airports and major train stations)应配置母婴设施(be equipped with mother-and-child facilities);全国主要公共场所(major public places nationwide)母婴设施的配置率应超过50%。到2018年年底,全国主要公共场所母婴设施的配置率应超过80%。
意见还明确了公共场所母婴设施配置设施的相应标准(relevant standards)。意见指出,母婴设施面积不应小于10平方米(be at least 10 sq m),配有防滑地面(slip-proof floor),提供尿布台(diaper-changing pad)、有热水的洗手盆(hand-wash basin with hot water)、婴儿床(crib)、供母亲哺乳时坐的座椅(chair for mother to sit in while breast-feeding)。意见还提出,工作场所(workplaces)也应该建设母婴设施供哺乳职工(breast-feeding staff)使用。
母婴用品 maternal and child supplies
母乳 breast milk
尿布 diaper
婴幼儿配方奶粉 baby formula
全面二孩政策 universal two-child policy
二孩经济 second-child economy
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