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6. 仇外情绪
Dictionary.com declared "xenophobia" its word of the year, based on search data and in-house discussions among editors and lexicographers.
Dictionary.com提供了xenophobia的两种定义(offer two definitions for xenophobia):对外国人、不同文化背景的人或陌生人的恐惧或仇恨(fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers);对不同文化背景的人的习俗、着装等的恐惧或厌恶(fear or dislike of the customs, dress, etc., of people who are culturally different from oneself)。Xenophobia一词19世纪末进入英语语言(xenophobia entered the English language in the late 1800s),它的词根是两个希腊词(it comes from two Greek words):意为"陌生人、客人"的xenos和意为"恐惧、恐慌"的phobos。
Xenophobia并非今年的最热搜词语(the most-searched word of the year)。但在整个2016年,该词查询量出现过几次激增(it saw several look-up spikes throughout 2016)。英国脱欧公投(Brexit vote)后的第二天,也就是6月24日,该词查询量增幅最大。6月29日,美国总统奥巴马在演讲中使用了仇外情绪一词(drop xenophobia into a speech);奥巴马对当时的总统候选人特朗普使用平民主义言论来竞选的看法提出异议(challenge the notion that then-president candidate Donald Trump was running on a populist message),称其言论是本土主义(nativism),或者说是仇外情绪亦或更糟(or xenophobia or worse)。之后,xenophobia一词的查询量再次猛增。此外,美国针对有色人种的警察暴力(police violence against people of color in the US)、叙利亚难民危机(Syria's refugee crisis)、变性人权利(transsexual rights)都是引发辩论、促使xenophobia查询量飙升的重要事件。有专家称,2016年,人们对差异性的恐惧在加剧(2016 saw the rise of fear of otherness)。
社交恐惧症 social phobia
后真相 post-truth
敌意 enmity/hostility
词缀 affix
前缀 prefix
后缀 suffix
词根 root
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