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5. 网络募捐
online donation
More than RMB2.6m raised in an online donation by a father for his seriously ill daughter will be returned to the donors following public outcry over his lack of honesty about the family's economic situation.
广东深圳五岁女童罗一笑9月被诊断患有急性淋巴细胞白血病(acute lymphocytic leukemia)。女童的父亲罗尔是一名杂志编辑(magazine editor),他与从事互网络金融(internet finance)业务的小铜人公司合作,上周在微信上发布了一篇关于女儿的感人至深(heart-wrenching)的贴文,并请求大家援助(plea for help)。罗尔的文章感动了万千网友,不少人转发文章(forward the article)和捐款(make donation)。然而本周有网友爆料,罗尔拥有三套房产(own three properties),完全有经济能力为孩子治病,且孩子的医疗费用已由医保报销了超过80%(medical insurance has covered more than 80% of the medical expenses),罗尔至今仅支出三万余元,完全没有向社会求助的必要。
这次网络募捐行为受到公众强烈质疑,网友称自己的爱心被利用(their kindness had been taken advantage of)。12月1日,深圳市民政局、微信以及罗尔等有关方面达成协议,所有捐款将悉数退还捐赠者(all donations will be returned to the donors)。法律专家称,当家庭成员处于困境时,个人可以向社会求助,但如果求助者编造虚假信息(fabricate false information)或有意隐瞒重要事实(intentionally conceal important facts),其行为属于欺诈(fraud),资助者有权要求返还财产(donors have the right to ask for their money to be returned)。
白血病 leukemia
众筹 crowdfunding
营销工具 marketing tool
经济援助 financial aid
中国红十字会 Red Cross Society of China
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