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Ten books to read in May
Lisa Ko, The Leavers
丽莎•柯 《离去的人》
Ko's first novel, awarded the 2016 Pen/Bellwether Award for Socially Engaged Fiction, follows Peilan, an adventurous teenager from the village of Minjiang in China to New York, via Bangkok, Amsterdam and Toronto. There, as Polly, she works 13-hour shifts in a garment factory and hopes to pay off $47,000 to the loan shark in a matter of years. (She understands the rules: "Pay now or disappear forever.") But she's pregnant by a neighbour back home, and her new son complicates her life beyond repair. Polly disappears when her son Deming is 10 years old. He is adopted by a professorial couple upstate, but he can't forget his mother and yearns to know what happened. Ko traces the disruptions of immigration and the complexities of first-generation Americans with meticulous detail and sensitivity. (Credit: Algonquin)
上一篇 : 厌倦了国内高铁餐?来看看“别人家的盒饭”长啥样(组图)
下一篇 : 布拉德•皮特首谈离婚 承认酗酒自作自受
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