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Eight films to watch in July
Director Christopher Nolan follows up the Dark Knight trilogy, Inception and Interstellar with what's set to be one of the most ambitious historical war movies yet. He has used a real naval destroyer in battle sequences, and there have been rumours that Warner Bros paid $5m for a vintage World War II aeroplane. The ensemble cast includes Tom Hardy, Kenneth Branagh, Mark Rylance, Cillian Murphy, Fionn Whitehead and One Direction's Harry Styles, and long-time Nolan collaborator Hans Zimmer provides the score. Nolan has re-enacted the 1940 evacuation of more than 300,000 stranded Allied troops from the beaches of Dunkirk, telling Total Film "it's on a colossal scale," but "it's a survival story more than a war film."
继《黑暗骑士》三部曲、《盗梦空间》和《星际穿越》之后,克里斯托弗•诺兰执导了《敦刻尔克》,该片似乎是迄今为止最宏大的历史战争题材电影之一。诺兰启用了一艘货真价实的海军驱逐舰,传言华纳兄弟斥资500万美元(约合3400万人民币)购买了一架二战时期的老式飞机。该片演员阵容包括汤姆•哈迪、肯尼斯•布莱纳、马克•里朗斯、斯里安•墨菲、费昂•怀特黑德以及One Direction组合的哈利•斯泰尔斯。诺兰的老搭档汉斯•季默为该片配乐。1940年,30多万受困盟军士兵从敦刻尔克海滩撤退,诺兰重现了这一历史事件,他告诉《完全电影》杂志说,“这是一部大制作”,但“与其说它是战争片,不如说这是一个关于生存的故事”。
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