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[ 2010-04-07 13:36]     字号 [] [] []  
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Sharon: Thanks.

Ben: Thank you. I felt that game was never going to end.

Sharon: Matt's face when the ball hit Jenkins...

Ben: Oh, I know.

Sharon: Do you think he'll be okay?

Ben: It was ego more than anything, I'd say. It's probably none of my business, but, are you and Matt seeing each other?

Sharon: No. We went to the cinema the other night, but just as friends.

Ben: Hmm.

Sharon: Why? What has Matt said?

Ben: He said he slept with you. So you didn't?

Sharon: No, of course not! What do you take me for?

Ben: Sorry.

Sharon: Did he say if I was any good?

Ben: I think it was the best sex he's never had. So you don't have a boyfriend?

Sharon: No. We split about six months ago. He went off to university in the states and it became impossible to see each other. And you? Do you have a girlfriend?

Ben: We broke up a few weeks ago.

Sharon: I'm sorry. How are you doing?

Ben: Better. So how long have you been at the supermarket?

Sharon: 'Bout two years.

Ben: Did you get to college?

Sharon: I was doing P. T. Therapy, but I dropped out.

Ben: Why?

Sharon: It wasn't me. And besides, I needed to start earning money.

Ben: What are you saving for?

Sharon: Putting myself through evening classes.

Ben: Yeah? Studying...

Sharon: Spanish.

Ben: Spanish?

Sharon: Yeah. What's wrong with that?

Ben: N-n-nothing. I just wasn't expecting it. So what can you say?

Sharon: Mmm...Tu equipo de futbol es una puta mierda.

Ben: Which means?

Sharon: It means your football team is shit.

Ben: 26-nil. So why Spanish?

Sharon: I've lived here all my life. I've worked at the supermarket for two years and, even though it's happening slow, I just feel that my life's ticking away a second at a time. I thought that Spanish would be one way that I'd be able to find a job that would involve travel. Like being an air hostess or teaching English at Spanish-speaking schools. I've always dreamt of traveling to far-off places... Like South America. To places where the sun kisses every morning. But more than that, I wanna be able to talk to people about their lives and about their dreams. Silly, really.

Ben: No, it's not. That's your dream. Knowing what you want is half the battle. Most people go through their whole lives not knowing what they want. It's easy to find if you know what you're looking for.

Sharon: So what is it that you're looking for?

Ben: I've always wanted to be a painter. Maybe have my work hung in a gallery one day.

Sharon: I've always wanted to meet a painter.

Ben: Why?

Sharon: Don't know. I think it might be something to do with their ability to see beauty in everything. To then capture it, and hang it on a wall for all to see. I find it romantic. (Sharon arrives at her apartment) Well, this is me. Number 34.

Ben: Thirty-four.

Sharon: It's on the top floor.

Ben: Nice. Adios.

Sharon: Hasta luego. Night, Ben.

Ben: That first kiss. I've always made such a mess of it.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. ego: 自尊心。影片中Ben指Jenkins之所以受伤是因为自尊心在作祟,当然Jenkins踢得如此卖力也是为了在Sharon面前表现自己。

2. none of my business: 不关我的事。与此类似,none of your business即“没你的事,与你无关”。

3. see someone: 和某人约会交往。例如:Are you seeing anyone right now?(你现在是不是在谈恋爱?)

4. What do you take me for:你把我看成什么人了?take for在这里的意思是“把……看作”。例如:I took it for the truth.(我以为那是实情。)

take for还可以表示“把……误认为,把……误以为”,看一下例子:He is often taken for a foreigner.(他常常被误认为外国人。)

5. split: 分手,关系破裂,断绝关系。请看例子:They split up after two years of marriage.(他们结婚两年之后分手了。)

6. drop out: 退学。看一下例子:She dropped out of school to become a waitress.(她退学去当女招待。)

7. put through: 供……读书。影片中Sharon在超市打工赚钱供自己读夜校。put through还可以表示“做成,完成”或“为……接通电话”。看一下例子:

put through an agreement(达成一项协议)

I'm trying to put you through.(我正在想办法给你接通电话。)



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