研究生入学考试 national post-graduate entrance examination
保研 postgraduate recommendation
初试qualifying examination / preliminary exam
复试secondary examination
笔试 written examination
口试 oral examination
面试 interview
公费研究生 government-supported graduate student
自费研究生 self-supporting graduate student
在职研究生 on-the-job postgraduate student
高考移民 NCEE migrant
公务员考试 civil service exam
考碗族 gold-rice-bowl seeker
校长推荐制 nominations from their headmasters
助学贷款 student loans
高等教育机构 higher learning institution
高考college (or university) entrance examination
职业教育 vocational education
成人教育 adult education
义务教育 compulsory education
网络教育 webucation
义务教师 obligatory tutor
助教 tutor/teaching assistant/assistant instructor
讲师 lecturer
电子教科书 digital textbook
硕博连读 successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study
代课教师 substitute teacher
正式在编教师 regular teacher
教育公平 equal access to education
学杂费 tuition and incidental fees
最高科技奖 top science and technology award
绩效工资 merit pay
(中国日报网英语点津 编辑:Julie)