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Australian billionaire to build Titanic II
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A maverick Australian mining billionaire, Clive Palmer, plans to build the Titanic II and sail it from England to New York by the end of 2016. The replica of the ill-fated ship will be built at a Chinese shipyard. It will be powered by diesel rather than coal but will otherwise follow design plans approved by a historical research team and, like its predecessor, will have 840 rooms and nine decks. Asked whether the new ship could sink, Mr Palmer, Australia's fifth-richest person, said: "Of course it will sink if you put a hole in it." He added: "It will be designed as a modern ship with all the technology to ensure that doesn't happen. But, of course, if you are superstitious like you are, you never know what could happen." Mr Palmer said the boat will have the same dimensions as the Titanic and will replicate its design as closely as possible but will have "state of the art engineering". The only differences will be below the water line, he said, and will include a bulbous bow for greater fuel efficiency and diesel generation, plus an enlarged rudder and bow thrusters for improved manoeuvrability. "Titanic II will be the ultimate in comfort and luxury with on-board gymnasiums and swimming pools, libraries, high class restaurants and luxury cabins," he said. Mr Palmer, whose wealth is estimated at more than £3 billion, is well known in Australia for his outlandish whims and gestures and controversial views. He once bought Mercedes Benz cars for 55 of his top employees after a particularly good year and recently announced plans to set up a rival domestic football league because his team, Gold Coast United, was axed. Mr Palmer, a life member of the conservative National Party, coupled his announcement of his Titanic II plans with a declaration today that he intends to run against the Treasurer, Wayne Swan, in the Queensland seat of Lilley at the next election. Mr Swan said on Twitter he was "over the moon to fight in Lilley ... against Clive". (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
特立独行的澳大利亚矿业富豪克莱夫•帕尔默计划出资修建“泰坦尼克2”号游轮,这艘游轮将在2016年底前从英格兰驶往纽约。 这艘遇难船只的复制品将由中国一家造船长承建。新游轮采用柴油驱动,而不是煤炭,但仍将遵循历史学家研究小组通过的设计方案。和当年的泰坦尼克号一样,新的游轮也将有840个舱室和9层甲板。 在被问到这艘新建游轮是否会沉没时,帕尔默说:“当然会沉,如果你在船身上打个洞的话。”帕尔默是澳大利亚第五大富豪。 他补充说:“这艘现代化的船舶将采用各种技术进行设计,以确保不会沉没。但当然,如果你们非常迷信,你就永远不会知道将会发生什么。” 帕尔默说,新船的尺寸基本与原型一致,并将尽可能重现原型的设计,但将采用“最新工程技术”。唯一的不同是在水面以下,新船将采用球鼻船首,以提高燃油效率。另外,新游轮采用柴油驱动,船舵更大,同时安装船首推进器,以增强机动性。 帕尔默说:“泰坦尼克2号将极尽舒适和奢华,配备船上健身房、游泳池、图书室、高级餐厅和豪华舱室。” 帕尔默的财产据估计超过30亿英镑,他在澳大利亚以古怪的念头、不寻常的办事方式,以及有争议的看法而著称。他曾经在效益非常好的一年年末为55名表现最好的员工送出奔驰汽车做奖励。最近他还宣布将在澳大利亚国内另外成立一个足协机构,因为他的球队黄金海岸联队近日被澳大利亚足协取消联赛注册资格。 帕尔默是澳大利亚保守派国家党的终身成员。他除了宣布建造泰坦尼克2号外,还在今天宣布有意在下届选举中与澳大利亚财长韦恩•斯旺争夺昆士兰州利利选区的席位。斯旺在推特上说,他对能在利利选区和帕尔默一决高下欣喜若狂。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:陈丹妮) |
Vocabulary: maverick: 想法与众不同的,特例独行的 state of the art: 最先进的,最高级的 bulbous bow: 球状船艏,球鼻首 bow thruster: 船首推进器 outlandish: 古怪的,奇异的 over the moon: 兴高采烈,欣喜若狂 |
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