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British Prime Minister claims he is Kim Kardashian's 13th cousin
David Cameron has revealed he is related to the reality TV star Kim Kardashian.
戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)日前透露,他与电视真人秀明星金•卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)有亲属关系。
The Prime Minister said he was the thirteenth cousin of the US celebrity, who is married to rapper Kanye West.
英国首相卡梅伦称,他是这位美国名人、饶舌歌手坎耶•韦斯特(Kanye West)的老婆的第十三代堂兄。
The startling revelation comes despite Mr Cameron insisting that he could not understand 'why everyone is interested in the Kardashians' after being asked about his TV habits.
In an interview with the celebrity magazine Heat, Mr Cameron was asked if he watched Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
在接受《热度》(Heat)杂志采访时,卡梅伦被问到是否看过真人秀《与卡戴珊姐妹同行》(Keeping Up With The Kardashians)。
Mr Cameron said: 'No, but I'm related to them.' But he added: 'Did you know I'm 13th cousins with them?'
The Prime Minister and his celebrity cousin, who shot to fame after starring in a leaked sex tape, are linked by their mutual ancestor, Sir William Spencer, born in 1555, according to genealogy website geni.com.
卡戴珊此前因性爱录像带流出一炮而红。根据族谱网站geni.com的信息,首相与卡戴珊的亲属关系要追溯到他们的共同祖先——1555年出生的威廉•斯宾塞(William Spencer)身上。
Asked if he fancied a family reunion, he replied: 'That would be great, thanks.'
But the Kardashians are not the only famous relatives of the Prime Minister.
Mr Cameron, who is descended from a long line of wealthy stockbrokers and bankers, is also related to the Queen.
The Tory leader is descended from King William IV – who fathered a number of illegitimate children with mistress Dorethea Jordan.
这位保守党领袖是英王威廉四世(King William IV)的后代。这位国王与情妇多萝西•乔丹(Dorethea Jordan)育有多名私生子女。
One of them was the PM's great-great-great-great-grandmother, meaning Mr Cameron is a fifth cousin of the Queen.
During the interview with Heat magazine, Mr Cameron made a number of also admitted he could not multi-task, was scared of rats and once aspired to be a lorry driver.
Asked what he wanted to be when he was growing up, he said: 'All sorts of things: a soldier, a lorry driver, a farmer.
'I wasn't sure til I left university, then decided I wanted to be a politician.'
illegitimate children:非婚生子女,私生子
(翻译:林樟嫔 编辑:江巍)
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