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此次的目的地是黄山,黄山应该不用说了吧,谁说Huang Mountain的?(说出来我保证不打死你)
黄山的官方英文为 Mount Huang,亦作Huangshan。
有句名言说的好, “五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”
翻译版本一(较官方):The landscape of the Five Great Mountains tops/belittles those elsewhere, and the landscape of Huangshan tops/belittles that of the Five Great Mountains.
翻译版本二(网友版):You have no wish to visit any other mountains after viewing the Five Great Mountains. You do not even wish to visit them after you come back from a trip to Mount Huang.
五岳 The Five Great Mountains 分别为哪些名山呢?
东岳 The Eastern Mountain—— 泰山 Mount Tai;
南岳 The Southern Mountain——衡山 Mount Heng in the South;
西岳 The Western Mountain——华山 Mount Hua ;
北岳 The Northern Mountain—— 恒山 Mount Heng in the North;
中岳 The Central Mountain——嵩山 Mount Song
在第一天的黄山之旅中,小编从山脚 foot 艰难的爬到了山顶 mountain top/peak,那么除此之外,还有哪些与“山”相关的词汇呢?
山坡、山腰 brae
悬崖 barranca
鞍部 nek
高原 plateau
高地 highland
山脉 cordillera
山麓 piedmont
山系 mountain chain/mountain system
山口 mountain pass
山洞 cave
山崩 avalanche
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