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Famous Books Made Into Movies

中国日报网 2015-04-23 09:00



《天使与魔鬼》 (2000)


"Angels and Demons" is a 2000 best-selling mystery-thriller novel written by Dan Brown. Robert Langdon discovered a brotherhood called Illuminati. This anti-Christ underground movement creates a viral frenzy in the Vatican City, coinciding with the murder of a physicist, the death of the pope and the abduction of four cardinals. The Illuminati threatened to kill each cardinal every hour and then put the Vatican City to dust with the antimatter. Robert Langdon, a religious symbologist together with Vittoria, a scientist, raced against time to unravel the clues and discover where the destructive weapon was hidden. The two heroes, Vittoria being the researcher of the dangerous prototype of the antimatter and Robert being an expert tour guide must travel throughout Rome to discover the horrific truth behind the Illuminati's wrath in merely 4 hours.
《天使与魔鬼》这本书是2000年畅销推理惊悚小说,作者是丹·布朗(Dan Brown)。罗伯特·兰登(Robert Langdon)发现了一个名为“光照派”的组织,这个反基督的教派在梵蒂冈秘密研制出了病毒,就在这时一名物理学家被谋杀,教皇去世,四名红衣主教被绑架,而光照派威胁每过一小时就要杀死一名红衣主教,然后用反物质将梵蒂冈化为灰烬。符号学家罗伯特·兰登是一个虔诚的信徒。他与科学家维多利亚一起与时间赛跑,通过蛛丝马迹找到被藏起来的危险武器。这是两位英雄,维多利亚负责找到危险的反物质,罗伯特负责通过线索寻路,二人要在仅有的四个小时内在罗马找出光照派愤怒的真相。




Did you know that "The Devil Wears Prada" is Lauren Weisberger's first written novel? Published in 2003, this delightful novel about landing on a first job with a devilish superior maintained to stay six months in the New York Times best-seller list. "The Devil Wears Prada" takes the readers to the hilarious world of Andrea Sachs. Her mishaps as assistant to Miranda Priestly, a high profile editor, a sophisticated woman, and an iron-clad fisted boss, elicit humor and inspiration to readers. This book also gives an inside look in New York and International fashion with full references to designers, models, clothes and glamour, from the trendiest to the most expensive, name it. Andrea and Miranda symbolize the reality at the workplace where the boss is always right. As a whole, the depiction of work life, fashion statement and success of a newbie cast a spell to the readers.
你知道《穿普拉达的女王》是劳伦·维斯伯格(Lauren Weisberger)创作的第一部作品么?这部有趣的小说在2003年出版,讲述在第一份工作遇到了恶魔上司的故事,曾在《纽约时报》畅销书单中连续六个月蝉联第一名。这部小说带领读者进入安德莉亚·萨克斯(Andrea Sachs)的狂欢世界。她不幸给一位老练冷血的名主编米兰达·普瑞斯特里(Miranda Priestly)做助理,但在过程中带给读者的也不乏幽默和鼓舞。这本书也描述了纽约和国际时尚界的内幕,涉及了设计师、模特、衣香鬓影,从最时尚的到最昂贵的。米兰达和安德莉亚昭示了一个职场潜规则,那就是老板永远是对的。而书中对职场生活和时尚界的描述,以及一名新人修炼的过程都深深抓住了读者的心。


8: TWILIGHT (2005)


Stephanie Meyer undoubtedly justified her sensibility to enable the readers to thirst for more in her very own version of a vampire story, the "Twilight". A vampire story for people who don't want vampire is just one of the many unified notions for this novel about the impossible love, the family mystery and the extraordinary life of Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan. Each page is savored that compels and touches the readers to feel like they are unwilling to give up hope for a seemingly doomed relationship. Bella's undying love and Edward's hidden monstrous character lead the romance to a bloody twist. On the one hand for the sake of trivial pursuit, "Twilight" was rejected by 14 agents, right before it was published in 2005 with a print-run of 75,000 copies. "Twilight" peaked at Number 1 at New York Times Bestseller list and later went on to become the Bestselling Book in 2008.
女作家斯蒂芬·梅尔驾驭作品的高超能力让读者对她这个版本的吸血鬼小说非常喜爱,这部吸血鬼小说满足了那些不喜欢千篇一律的吸血鬼故事的人们.书中讲述了不可能的爱情,家族之谜和爱德华·卡伦(Edward Cullen)和伊莎贝拉·斯旺(Isabella Swan)非同寻常的生活。每一页的挣扎和触碰让读者感受到他们对这段命定的恋情不肯放弃的希望。贝拉不变的爱恋和爱德华隐藏的兽性让浪漫爱情转为了血腥的纠结。《暮光之城》曾被14家出版商退回过,而在2005年出版后,这部书卖出了七万五千本,迅速在《纽约时报》的畅销书榜登顶,在2008年,这部小说再度成为最畅销书。


《时间旅行者的妻子》 (2003)


Although "time travel" suggests a science fiction genre, Audrey Niffenegger successfully conveys a timeless love story beneath the title "The Time Traveler's Wife". Henry is 36 and Clare is 6 when they first met yet the truth is Henry is only 8 years older than Clare. Yes, Henry was plagued by time travel a genetic mutation disorder, as he traveled he discovered much of the future and he could even go back in time. Clare on the other hand was love driven so she opted to live with Henry's curse as part of her life. Henry became her deepest secret. Clare's struggles were devastating yet the love they shared was passionate and enduring. This wonderful novel also explores the multiple ages of Henry and how he foresees his death. "The Time Traveler's Wife", published in 2003 literally buries the readers and gets everyone immersed with Henry and Clare's life, love and destiny.
虽然时间旅行属于科幻小说范畴,但是奥黛丽·尼芬格(Audrey Niffenegger)却在《时间旅行者的妻子》这本书中成功描述了一个冲破时空阻碍的爱情故事。亨利遇到克莱尔时,他36岁,而她年仅6岁。事实是,亨利只比克莱尔大八岁。没错,亨利因基因突变而不得不在时空中穿梭,他发现了很多未来的事情,他甚至还能回到过去。而克莱尔深爱着亨利,于是她选择和亨利的这一诅咒共同生活。亨利也变成了她埋在最深处的秘密。克莱尔的挣扎很痛苦,但他们之间的爱依然热烈而持久。这部精彩的小说也探索了不同年龄的亨利和预见自己死亡的场景。2003年出版的《时间旅行者的妻子》让读者深深沉浸在亨利和克莱尔的生活、爱与命运当中。


10: TAKEN (2006)


"Taken" a novel written by Edward Bloor tackles life two decades from today and lets the readers expect the unexpected. In 2035, what would life be? The rich will be twice as glorified and the poor will be twice as forsaken where kidnapping will become the menial job of the meek. On a New Year's Eve, Charity Meyer is kidnapped, as it is a common situation and every rich kid is well trained on kidnapping protocols, initially she is very calm just waiting to be ransomed. However, when she identified one of the kidnappers, she knows a ransom will not save her. She has no way out but to fight for herself. Scared as she is, there are even much scarier things she has to take to flee. Clueless, unguided and lost, who will save Charity Meyer?
《飓风营救》的作者是爱德华·布鲁尔(Edward Bloor),这本书讲述了距今二十年后营救生命的故事,让读者期待着各种意想不到的事件。在2035年,生活会变得怎样?富人会更加光鲜,穷人则会愈加凄凉。而绑架变成了弱者卑微的谋生方式。在新年前夕,查瑞迪·迈耶(Charity Meyer)被绑架了,不过富人家的小孩接受绑架训练已成为一个普遍的现象,所以她非常镇定地等待被赎。然而,但她认出其中一个绑匪时,她知道就算赎金也救不了她,她没有依靠只能靠自己。饱受惊吓的她还要面对逃离过程中更可怕的事。毫无线索,没有帮手,没有目标,到底谁能救出她?

On the whole, it is quite obvious that these written works have become bedrock to the writers and a silent force of economic advancements: the books are bestseller; the films are highest-grossing. Nevertheless, the popularity of the books make the films vulnerable to unfavorable reviews such as slaughtering the real story due to chronic rush of sequences, exaggerations and overtones. The question is, what beholds the viewers' eyes?


cliff-hanging: 扣人心弦的

wrath: 愤怒

labyrinth: 迷宫

hunk: 富有魅力的健美男子

drenched: 浸透的

flamboyant: 浮华的,奢华的

profiteer: 奸商;牟取暴利的人

womanizer: 沉溺于女色的人

sublime: 崇高的,卓越的

uncap: 脱帽致意

newbie: 新手

genetic mutation: 基因突变

menial: 卑微的,卑贱的

bedrock: 基石

(译者:无事此静坐,编辑:陈丹妮 Helen)

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