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Jeb Bush Officially Running For President
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has officially launched his US presidential campaign, promising to "run with heart" and "take nothing and no one for granted".
Mr Bush, the son and brother of two former presidents, spoke in his hometown of Miami, Florida.
Recently released campaign branding leaves behind his surname, which some see as a political liability.
Polling suggests he has yet to dominate a wide field of Republican candidates.
Speaking in both English and Spanish, Mr Bush used his speech to appeal to a broad swath of the US electorate- of which minorities have become increasingly more important - not just the Republican's conservative base.
"In any language," Mr Bush said, "my message will be an optimistic one because I am certain that we can make the decades just ahead in America the greatest time ever to be alive in this world."
Much of Mr Bush's remarks were dedicated to his record as the former governor of Florida, during which time the state enjoyed economic growth.
However, his speech was interrupted by at least one heckler, forcing Mr Bush to improvise a response that included a denunciation of President Barack Obama's immigration reforms.
Mr Bush also offered some insight into his foreign policy stances.
"We keep dependable friends in this world by being dependable ourselves. I will rebuild our vital friendships and that starts by standing with the brave democratic state of Israel," he told the crowd, which erupted in cheers.
He also denounced Mr Obama's recent overtures toward Cuba.
"Ninety miles to our south there's a talk of a state visit by our outgoing president," Mr Bush said. "We don't need a glorified tourist to go to Havana in support of a failed Cuba. We need an American president to go to Havana in solidarity with a free Cuban people, and I'm ready to be that president."
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