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Parents inspired by celebrity mums like Kate Moss and Beyonce are giving their baby daughters TWO first names... in a bid to make them sound unique
The double-barrelled first name has long been a hit in America; since names such as Mary-Lou and Betsy-Ann first became popular in the Fifties.
While the trend for adding a hyphen has remained steady across the pond, it hasn't really caught on here...until now that is.
When the Office of National Statistics released their annual baby names list recently, Amelia sat pretty at the top of the most popular girls' names while Oliver was crowned king of the boys.
However, the lists also raised another emerging trend; the rise of the double-barrelled first name in UK-born girls.
According to research done by the Sunday Telegraph, more than 1,200 girls born in the UK had a double-barrelled name bestowed upon them last year, nearly five times the amount that were registered in 2000.
根据《星期日电讯报》(the Sunday Telegraph)的调查,英国去年有超过1200名新生女童取了复名,是2000年注册复名的女童的数量的近五倍。
While boys names have also seen a similar trend, it has been on a lesser scale; just 328 boys were given two first names in 2014.
For the girls, floral-inspired names such as Lily-May or Amelia-Rose have surged in popularity as parents look to differentiate their daughters from the sea of Lilys and Amelias already out there.
Rose seems to be among the most popular name to be used with a hyphen; the Telegraph found that last year 245 variations of it were given with 225 of those coming in the form of Amelia-Rose.
Other, more American-inspired variations included Dakota-Rose and Destiny-Rose.
It's likely that celebrities - famous for pushing the name boundaries - have influenced the situation; plenty of their offspring have double-barrelled first names.
Supermodel Kate Moss' daughter is Lila-Grace, while Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis' daughter is Lily-Rose and Saturdays singer Una Foden's toddler is called Aoife-Belle.
超模凯特·莫斯的女儿叫莱拉-格蕾丝,约翰尼·德普和凡妮莎·帕拉迪斯(Vanessa Paradis)的女儿叫莉莉-露丝,英国女子团体The Saturdays成员尤纳·福登(Una Foden)那还在蹒跚学步的女儿叫奥菲-贝尔(Aoife-Belle)
Jamie and Jules Oliver's entire clan have treble first names although there isn't a hyphen in sight; there's Petal Blossom Rainbow, Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela and the latest addition Buddy Bear Maurice. And who could forget Blue Ivy, the double named daughter of Jay-Z and Beyonce.
虽然名字中没有连字符,但杰米·奥利弗(Jamie Oliver,英国名厨)和朱尔斯·奥利弗(Jules Oliver,其妻)的几个孩子都取了三个名字,分别叫做佩特尔·布洛索姆·雷恩博(Petal Blossom Rainbow)、波佩·霍尼·罗西(Poppy Honey Rosie)和黛西·布·帕梅拉(Daisy Boo Pamela),他们的幼子名叫巴迪·贝尔·莫里斯(Buddy Bear Maurice)。别忘了还有Jay-Z和碧昂斯(Beyonce)的女儿布鲁·艾薇(Blue Ivy)。
For mere mortals, emulating a celebrity name trend might seem like a way to make their child appear upwardly mobile...but there's a danger, say the etiquette experts, of actually coming across as a bit down market. Siobhan Freegard of parenting network Channel Mum said: 'I think it will start to be seen as a bit downmarket.'
对普罗大众来说,山寨名流取名之风好像能使他们的孩子挤进上流社会……但据礼仪专家说,这么做其实反而会有给人廉价印象的危险,育儿网站妈妈频道(Channel Mum)的西沃恩·弗里格尔德(Siobhan Freegard)说:“我觉得复名已经开始看起来有点廉价了。”
upwardly mobile:向社会更高层流动的
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