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Ladies and Gentlemen,
We live in the same globalized world. Like passengers riding in the same boat, we all have a stake in each other's future. To promote global economic recovery is our common task. The international community should work together and increase coordination in order to advance structural reform and push for an improved multilateral trading regime that is free, open and non-discriminatory. China is committed to peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up. We will work with all countries to promote inclusive and balanced growth and green and sustainable development. Together, we could build a community of common interests and development and create an even better future for mankind.
I wish the annual meeting a full success. Thank you.
1. 缓中趋稳、稳中向好
Despite the moderation in speed, the performance of the Chinese economy is stable and moving in a positive direction. Although difficulties remain, there are more opportunities than challenges.
2. 半壁江山
The services sector already accounts for half of China's GDP, and consumption contributes 60% to growth.
3. 优进优出
China will adopt a more proactive import policy and place greater emphasis on the quality of imports and exports. And China will only buy more from the world to meet its growing domestic demands.
4. 既“游”且“购”
When Chinese tourists go abroad, they not just go sightseeing but also shopping.
5. 脉象
To borrow a concept from traditional Chinese medicine, they are the "pulse" that shows the health of the economy.
6. 硬着陆
I'm not making an empty promise when I say that the Chinese economy will not head for a "hard landing".
7. 四梁八柱
China has a vast territory and diverse industries. That means, the Chinese economy is supported not by a single pillar but multiple pillars. It is highly resilient and shock-resistant.
8. 最大本钱
Creativity of the people is the greatest asset for development.
9. 独角戏
Instead of acting on its own, the government encourages the participation of private capital and foreign investment.
10. 一带一路
China has come up with the initiatives to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road ("One Belt and One Road"), and to promote global cooperation on production capacity.
11. 一举多得、三方共赢之道
More and more countries, developing and developed alike, have responded positively to such an approach of global cooperation, which will produce multiple benefits and win-win results among all three parties.
12. 浓墨重彩的篇章
We could make sure that global cooperation on production capacity will leave its mark in the world economic history.
13. 你中有我、我中有你
We live in the same globalized world. Like passengers riding in the same boat, we all have a stake in each other's future.
(视频来源:CCTV 编辑:丁一)
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