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5. 春晚吉祥物
Spring Festival Gala mascot
请看例句: China Central Television's Spring Festival Gala revealed Kangkang the monkey, as the official mascot for its 2016 gala on its Weibo account. But the 3D version of Kangkang was criticized by netizens as "too ugly".
"康康"的设计原稿(original design)由国家一级美术师、北京奥运会吉祥物"福娃"的创作者韩美林设计,以中国传统水墨画(traditional Chinese ink painting)的艺术形式,生动表现出"猴"的机灵活泼(quick-witted and lively)的特点。但换成立体效果图后,"康康"卖萌的拳头变成了两个大肉瘤,奇特的造型引发网友吐槽。
央视春晚(Spring Festival gala, lunar New Year's Eve gala)从2015年开始,以十二生肖为原型(based on the Chinese zodiac)推出"春晚吉祥物"(Spring Festival Gala mascot),当年的吉祥物谐羊年之音,取名"阳阳",是33年春晚历史上第一次设立吉祥物(the first mascot in 33 years of history in Spring Festival Gala)。
天干 Heavenly Stems
地支 Earthly Branches
孙悟空 Monkey King
骗人的把戏 monkey business
农历 lunar calendar
正月 the 1st month of the lunar year
腊月 the 12th month of the lunar year
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