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1. 中阿友谊
China-Arab friendship
For six decades, China-Arab friendship and cooperation have undergone historic transformation and we have gained much valuable experience.
19日,在对埃及进行国事访问之际,国家主席习近平在埃及《金字塔报》发表题为《让中阿友谊如尼罗河水奔涌向前》(let China-Arab friendship surge forward like the Nile)的署名文章。文章开篇,习近平就对此次访问提出了这样的期待:我将同埃及和阿拉伯朋友共叙友情(renew friendship)、共商合作、共话发展(discuss cooperation and development),期待此访成为一次友谊之旅、合作之旅、共赢之旅(a trip of friendship, cooperation and mutual benefit)。
习近平在文章中,这样谈到中埃关系的历史:中国和埃及同为文明古国(ancient civilization),两国人民友好交往(friendly exchanges between our peoples)追溯久远(date back to antiquity)。近代以来(in the modern times),中埃两国人民在反殖民、反霸权的斗争中(in the fight against colonialism and hegemony)同声相应、同气相求(have stood together)。
文章提出了中阿合作四点主张:中阿要做自主发展道路的实践者(pursue independent paths of development),世上没有包治百病的万能灵药(there is no panacea in the world),也没有普世皆准的发展模式(nor a universal model for development);中阿要做地区和平的捍卫者(defend regional peace);中阿要做互利合作的推动者(carry out mutually beneficial cooperation);中阿要做文明多样性的倡导者(advocate cultural diversity)。
地区风云变幻 changing regional landscapes
局部动荡 regional turmoil
合作共赢 win-win cooperation
民族复兴 national renewal
民族振兴 national rejuvenation
经济援助 economic assistance
文明多样性 cultural diversity
国情 national conditions
发展道路 development path
改革动力 momentum for reform
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