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6. 寨卡病毒
Zika virus
The Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil, is "spreading explosively" and could infect as many as 4m people in the Americas, the World Health Organization said on Thursday.
1947年,人类在乌干达一只猕猴体内发现寨卡病毒。2007年,位于西太平洋的密克罗尼西亚联邦雅浦岛首次爆发寨卡疫情(Zika epidemic)。而此前,全球只有极少数人类感染寨卡病毒的报告。去年10月至今年1月,巴西新生儿小头症疑似病例(suspected cases of microcephaly in which babies are born with abnormally small heads and brains)将近4000例,而巴西往年平均每年新生儿小头症的患者数量只有163人,寨卡病毒被怀疑是罪魁祸首。再过两周左右,巴西狂欢节即将到来(Brazil's Carnival is due to start in about two weeks),届时将有来自世界各地的游客前来巴西参与其中。而还剩不到200天,里约热内卢将举办在南美洲的首届奥运会。现如今,寨卡病毒的爆发(Zika virus outbreak)给巴西旅游业蒙上了一层阴影(cast a shadow over its tourism)。
寨卡病毒可通过蚊子叮咬传播(mosquito-borne)给人类。寨卡病毒感染者(infected individuals)中,只有约20%会表现轻微症状(develop mild symptoms),如发烧、皮疹(rash)、关节疼痛(joint pain)和结膜炎(conjunctivitis)等,症状通常不到一周即可消失。然而,如果孕妇感染,胎儿可能会受到影响,导致新生儿小头症甚至死亡。目前没有对抗该病毒的疫苗和治疗方法(there is no vaccine or treatment for Zika virus),抗击寨卡病毒的行动(the effort against the illness)主要侧重于保护人们不受蚊子叮咬(protect people from mosquitoes)以及灭蚊(reduce mosquito populations)。
世卫总干事(director-general)陈冯富珍表示,寨卡病毒的传播已从一个轻微的威胁上升至令人担忧的程度(have gone from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions),并称世卫将于周一召开紧急会议(convene an emergency meeting),确定如何应对。欧洲国家丹麦和瑞士27日分别报告境内首次发现寨卡病毒感染病例。由此,寨卡病毒在欧洲再次扩张"版图"。眼下,多个国家已经出台相关旅行警告(travel alert),尤其建议孕妇或准备怀孕的女性公民(advise women who are pregnant or considering it)谨慎前往寨卡病毒肆虐地区(use caution when travelling to regions where Zika virus is rampant)。
传播 transmission
感染 infection
隔离 quarantine
打疫苗 vaccine injection
潜伏期 incubation period
病毒携带者 carrier of the virus
(中国日报网英语点津 Julie)
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