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national standards for infants and children's textile
China's first mandatory national textile standards for children - both infants and older children - took effect on Wednesday, International Children's Day.
国家质检总局(the General Administration of Quality Supervision and Quarantine)、国家标准委近日批准发布强制性国家标准GB 31701-2015《婴幼儿及儿童纺织产品安全技术规范》。这是我国首个专门针对婴幼儿及儿童纺织产品的强制性国家标准(mandatory national standards)。该标准6月1日起正式实施,全面实施过渡期(transition period for full compliance)为2年。
"婴幼儿及儿童纺织产品(textile for infants and children)"是指年龄在36个月及以下的婴幼儿,以及3岁以上、14岁及以下的儿童穿着或使用的纺织产品。GB 31701-2015将婴幼儿及儿童纺织产品安全类别分为3类(break safety categories of textile for infants and children into three groups)。明确提出了婴幼儿纺织产品应符合A类要求,直接接触皮肤的儿童纺织产品(children's textile designed for direct skin contact)至少应符合B类要求(should meet or exceed Class B standards),非直接接触皮肤的儿童纺织产品至少应符合C类要求。该标准还强化了一些安全要求,例如增加了6种增塑剂(plasticizer)和铅、镉2种重金属(heavy metal)的限量要求;要求婴幼儿及7岁以下儿童服装头颈部不允许存在任何绳带(not allowed to have straps or rope around the neck or head);要求纺织附件(纽扣拉链等)具有一定的抗拉强力,且不应存在锐利尖端和边缘(no sharp points or edges)。
国家质检总局新闻发言人李静表示,该标准对童装的安全性能进行了全面规范,将有助于引导生产企业提高童装的安全与质量(guide manufacturers to improve the safety and quality of children's clothing),保障婴幼儿及儿童健康安全(ensure infants and children's health and safety)。
国际标准化组织 International Organization for Standardization (IOS)
产品质量认证制度 certification system of product quality
质检员 quality inspector
抽样检测 sampling examination
质量标准 quality standard (QS)
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