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The Tree of Life (2011)
导演:泰伦斯·马力克(Terrence Malick)
Like a great poem, The Tree of Life opens itself to a thousand interpretations, as director Terrence Malick takes a spiritual and lyrical journey through time, from a dusty 1950s childhood in Texas back to the beginnings of the cosmos itself.
This strange new pillar in the cathedral of US cinema stars Brad Pitt as an authoritarian father and Jessica Chastain as a tender and deeply religious mother of three sons.
Emmanuel Lubezki’s cinematography is sun-dappled, or oozes images of boiling lava, dinosaurs and exploding planets, all to a soundtrack of Preisner’s Requiem — in this case a requiem to a dead son. The joys and aching losses of parenting become transcendent, even Biblical, in Malick’s hands.
– Kate Muir, The Times, UK
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Yi Yi: A One and a Two (2000)
Audiences in 2000 were astonished by how fluently Edward Yang’s Yi Yi portrays contemporary life through the intermingling stories of members of a Taipei family separated by the dilemmas specific to their stations in life.
Yi Yi is a reverently meticulous film, with its painstakingly detailed moods, and rituals that are seemingly endemic to the characters and their customs. Yet, it is also grandly universal. Its quiet reflections on life, love, family and death are all gracefully affecting, no matter the gap in generation and culture.
– Oggs Cruz, Rappler, Philippines
A Separation (2011)
导演:阿斯哈·法哈蒂(Asghar Farhadi)
If there is a film that makes you take a deep look at yourself in the mirror again and again, this is it. Asghar Farhadi’s searing relationship drama does not make a judgement about its characters. Rather, it pitches the situations so realistically that the viewer ends up sympathising with both protagonists even though they are pitted against each other.
– Utpal Borpujari, Freelance, India
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