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Holy Motors
导演:莱奥·卡拉克斯(Leos Carax)
Holy Motors is not a movie. It is an act of grief designed as an expression of love, and while enfant terrible Leos Carax has been an essential director for any film fan since his debut, he has never before laid himself bare in the way he does with this movie, in which a man is driven around in a limousine, assumes various disguises and personas, and connects and disconnects with people who flit into his life. Surreal, silly, sexy and sad, Holy Motors is a guided tour through everything about cinema that matters to Carax.
– Drew McWeeny, Hitfix, US
Pan's Labyrinth
导演: 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗(Guillermo del Toro)
Del Toro gives us a look into the horrors of war– in this case the Spanish Civil War. A twin of Del Toro's beautiful Civil War picture, The Devil's Backbone, Pan's Labyrinth gives us tragedy through the filter of fantasy, going deep into a well of suffering and magic. Its power lies in its purity: nothing we can imagine is as terrible as what we can do to each other.
– Ana Maria Bahiana, Freelance, Brazil
The White Ribbon
导演:迈克尔·哈内克(Michael Haneke)
"A group of children act together as silent perpetrators of crimes" is an already disturbing premise. By setting the story in a north German village in the months prior to World War One, Haneke not only challenged the myth of childhood innocence but also delivered a fictional prequel to the upcoming events in Germany. With any Haneke film, guilt and malice are in the air and no one in particular is to be blamed.
– Fernanda Solórzano, Letras Libres Magazine, Mexico
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