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1. 反腐巡视
anti-graft inspections
China will send anti-corruption inspectors to centrally-administrated universities, discipline authority of the Communist Party of China (CPC) announced Wednesday. The anti-graft inspections will scrutinize Party committees of 29 universities.
22日,十八届中央第十二轮巡视(the 12th round of inspections)工作动员部署会在北京召开,这将是十九大召开前的最后一轮巡视,本轮巡视完毕后将实现十八届任期内中央巡视的全覆盖,因此意义非凡。经中央批准,第十二轮巡视将对北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学等29所中管高校党委(Party committees of 29 centrally-administrated universities)开展专项巡视。同时,对内蒙古、吉林、云南、陕西4个省区开展"回头看"(re-examine the work of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region as well as Jilin, Yunnan and Shaanxi provinces),对中共中央网络安全和信息化领导小组办公室(the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs)、国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室(the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development)、中国铁路总公司(China Railway Corporation)、中国船舶重工集团公司(China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation)4个单位试点开展"机动式"巡视(launch flexible inspections)。
根据会后发表的声明,巡视工作的重点是规章制度的执行(rules implementation)、领导干部的选拔任用,以保障清朗的政治生态(ensure a clean political environment);巡视机制还应引入更多机动灵活的措施(more flexible measures should also be introduced in the inspection mechanism),对腐败形成震慑力(deterrents to corruption)。中共中央巡视工作领导小组组长(head of an inspection leadership group of the CPC Central Committee)王岐山参加了会议,他呼吁要在巡视中更好地发现问题。会议要求巡视组成员不仅要听党内官员怎么说(urge inspectors to not only listen to what the Party officials say),也要看他们怎么做(but also watch what they do),强调应根据群众对党委工作的评价做出判断(make judgments on the basis of people's comments on the work of Party committees)。
十八届中央首轮巡视就开始探索"三个不固定"(the three non-fixed items)——组长(the team leader)不固定、巡视对象(the inspection subjects)不固定、巡视组和巡视对象的关系(the relationship between the inspectors and inspection subjects)不固定。截至目前,中央巡视组已完成11轮巡视,巡视了247个党组织(Party organizations),完成对省市区(provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions)和新疆生产建设兵团、中央和国家机关(central and State organs)、国有重要骨干企业(key State-owned enterprises)、中央金融单位(central finance organizations)的全覆盖。
裸官 naked officials
八项规定 the eight-point guidelines against bureaucracy and extravagance
反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government
公款吃喝 banquets at public expenses
开除党籍 be expelled from the CPC, be stripped of CPC membership
开除公职 be removed from public office
纪律处分 disciplinary punishment
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