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6. 化武物质
chemical weapon substance
Malaysian police said Friday that chemical weapon substance had been identified on the body of a Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) man who died in the country on Feb 13.
马来西亚全国警察总长(national police chief)卡立·阿布巴卡称,初步分析显示,从死者眼粘膜(eye mucosa)和面部样本发现的化学物质被确认为"VX神经毒剂(VX nerve agent)"。VX神经毒剂的学名为S-(2-二异丙基氨乙基)-甲基硫代磷酸乙酯,是所有神经毒剂中效力最强的(the most potent of all nerve agents),也是最为致命的化学武器之一(one of the deadliest chemical weapons)。目前该物质已被联合国归类为大规模杀伤性武器(weapon of mass destruction)。
据熟悉生化武器的神经内科医生介绍,剧毒的VX是一种无嗅无味的琥珀色油状透明液体(a clear, amber-colored, oily liquid which is tasteless and odorless),通过渗入皮肤(penetrate the skin),扰乱神经冲动的传导(disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses)发挥毒性。该物质能以喷雾或蒸汽形态传播(be disseminated in a spray or vapor),即使不透过注射器注入体内,只是一滴VX接触到皮肤(a drop of VX on the skin),就可引发呼吸困难(breathing difficulties)、失去意识(lose consciousness)、痉挛(cramp)等症状,最终导致血压下降甚至死亡。
据报道,本月13日,上述朝鲜男子是在从马拉西亚某机场前往医院的途中死亡(die on the way from a Malaysian airport to hospital)的。马来西亚副总理(deputy prime minister)扎希德称,使馆文件显示,该男子为朝鲜最高领导人金正恩同父异母的哥哥(elderly half-brother of the DPRK top leader Kim Jong-un)金正男,但朝鲜驻马来西亚大使(the DPRK ambassador in Malaysia)对这名死去的男子的身份予以否认(deny the dead man's identity)。目前马来西亚警方已逮捕了两名女性嫌犯,据称在该男子死前,这两人曾向其面部泼洒液体(put liquid on the face of the man)。
非常规战争 unconventional warfare
军备竞赛 arms race
生物武器 biological weapon
核武器 nuclear weapon
暗杀 assassinate
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