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就在这个节骨眼上,环游世界进行着研究神奇魔法动物之行动的魔法动物学家纽特(埃迪·雷德梅恩 饰)抵达了纽约,他随身携带的魔法手提箱里,装着几十种他一路营救的魔法动物们,而他的一举一动,均处于隶属于魔法部的前傲罗(抗击黑魔法的精英巫师)蒂娜(凯瑟琳·沃特森 饰)的监视之下。一场意外中,麻鸡雅各布(丹·福格勒 饰)误拿了纽特的手提箱,并且放出了藏在箱子里的魔法动物,为此,纽特、蒂娜、雅各布和蒂娜的妹妹奎妮(艾莉森·苏朵儿 饰)不得不踏上了寻找魔法动物的旅途。
1. I'm on the wagon. 我正在戒酒。
2. But where there is light, there is shadow, friend. 但朋友们,福兮,祸之所伏。
3. What do you propose to offer the bank as collateral? 你打算提供什么给银行作为抵押?
4. This will be over in a jiffy. 一眨眼工夫就结束。
5. Did you just butt in on the investigative team again? 你又插手调查组的事了?
6. It got out and caused mayhem in a bank. 它跑了出来,在银行引发了骚乱。
7. You guys can bunk in here. 你们可以睡在这里。
8. It just crushes the life out of you. 就好像被榨干了一样。
9. She's in season. 她现在处于发情期。
10. It was good to make your acquaintance, Jacob. 很高兴认识你,雅各布。
11. Let's consider it a cover charge. 我们从服务费开始谈吧。
12. Now that is beneath you. 这可不像你哦。
13. Your sister's in grave danger. 你的妹妹现在非常危险。
14. How would you feel if I gave you your copy in person? 如果我本人来把书送给你,你觉得怎么样?
Tina: (KNOCK ON DOOR) Uh, I thought you might like a hot drink.
Jacob: (SIGHS) Wow! Psst! Hey. Mr. Scamander, look, cocoa.
Tina: Toilet's down the hall to the right.
Jacob: Thanks. Very much.
Newt: Come on.
Jacob: For the love...
Newt: Will you sit down?
Jacob: Good idea.
Newt: That's definitely the Murtlap. You must be particularly susceptible. See, you're a Muggle, so our physiologies are subtly different.
Jacob: Ew!
Newt: Stay still.
Jacob: Ah...
Newt: That should stop the sweating. And one of those should sort the twitch. Here, take that.
Jacob: Ugh...
Newt: Come on.
Jacob: Whatcha got there?
Newt: This, the locals call Swooping Evil. Not the friendliest of names. It's quite an agile fella. I've been studying him, and I'm pretty sure that his venom could be quite useful if properly diluted. Just to remove bad memories, you know?
Newt: Probably shouldn't let him loose in here, though.
Newt: Come on.
Newt: Come on. Down you come.
Newt: Come on. Thank Paracelsus. If you'd have got out, that could've been quite catastrophic. So he's the real reason I came to America. To bring Frank home.
Newt: Wait. No, sorry. Stay there. He's a wee bit sensitive to strangers.
Newt: Here you are. Here you are. He was trafficked, you see. I found him in Egypt. He was all chained up. Couldn't leave him there. I had to bring him back. I'm gonna put you back where you belong, aren't I, Frank? To the wilds of Arizona.
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)
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