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5. 被罢免
be removed from office/be stripped of office
The Brazilian Senate voted on Wednesday to strip Dilma Rousseff of the presidency by 61 votes in favor to 20 votes against.
8月31日,巴西参议院通过了总统弹劾案,罗塞夫被认定罪名成立,她曾试图通过拖欠公立银行贷款(delay loan payments to public banks)、未经国会批准就要求增加贷款(order additional loans without congressional approval)等财政违规行为(fiscal irregularities)隐瞒公共预算赤字(hide public budget deficits)。参议院的表决是对罗塞夫的重大打击(the Senate's decision is a major blow for Rousseff),她的总统职位就此被罢免,不过这并不一定意味着罗塞夫政治生涯的终结(it might not mark the end of her political career)。尽管被罢免(be removed from office/be stripped of office)的结果不可逆转,但禁止罗塞夫今后8年担任公职的提案并没有通过(a motion to bar her from holding any public office for the next eight years failed)。
当日,在罗塞夫被停职后担任代总统(interim president)的米歇尔·特梅尔宣誓就职,正式就任总统直至2018年本届任期结束(serve as president until the end of this term in 2018)。现年75岁的特梅尔接手了巴西糟糕的经济状况(inherit a tattered economy),他与内阁成员会面并承诺解决失业问题(promise to tackle unemployment)。特梅尔表示,我并不是说这是件容易的事。我们国家有近1200万失业人口,这个数字非常惊人。没有什么比失业更令人缺乏尊严了(there is nothing less dignified than unemployment)。
现年68岁的罗塞夫是巴西首位女总统,她于2014年以微弱优势赢得连任(be re-elected by a narrow margin)。但国内经济衰退(recession)和跨党派的贪腐丑闻(cross-party corruption scandal)将其或曾赢得的政治声望付之一炬(put an end to any political goodwill she might have earned),最终导致其下台(eventually lead to her ouster)。不过,罗塞夫坚称自己没有犯罪,并为自己始终"忠实于对国家的承诺(be faithful to my commitment to the nation)"而骄傲。9月1日,罗塞夫向巴西联邦最高法院提出上诉(appeal to the Federal Supreme Court),反对参议院罢黜她的决定(against the Senate's decision on her removal from office)。
政治派别 political faction
执政党 ruling party
反对党 opposition party
政变 coup
流放 exile/banish
弹劾 impeach
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