张明权 |
What makes it so difficult to hire a taxi in Beijing?
Residents are having more and more complaints about the trouble of hiring a taxi in Beijing. But no one is expected to put blame on the number of cabs, for there are more than enough in the capital city to go about carrying the passengers. By the end of 2008, the taxis in business in Beijing added up to 66,646 according to Beijing Bureau of Statistics. An informed taxi driver fixes the number at more than 70,000. In contrast, the taxis in Shanghai are no more than 50,000 though it has more inhabitants than Beijing. Then with so many taxis in Beijing, where lies the problem of hiring a taxi? A few days ago, I carried out an investigation into the issue myself.
谈论翻译始终离不开“对等”一类的术语,虽然世界上没有两片完全相同的叶子,但“对等”本身强调的并不是完全相同,所以我们又可以说“部分对等”。所谓“异曲同工”,也是一种对等,成语词典对此的解释是:不同的曲调,却同样的美妙。比喻事物的内容或形式虽然不一样,但却是同样的出色。两种语言之间的对译,恰似用不同的形式表达相同的内容。在译题一中,首先“打车”的翻译就有点困难,问题在于汉语的“打车”有两个意思,一个强调“租下一辆车”,一个强调“乘坐一辆车”,前者最好翻译成hire (call) a taxi,而后者才翻译成take a taxi。在所有网友的译文,只有“角落的拼图”在标题的翻译中用了一个call字。“反映越来越强烈”中,汉语的“反映”一词到底是什么意思?Complain(t). 在这个词的选择上,各位网友作的比较好,不过在词性和句型的匹配上错误仍然有。例如:People in Beijing are making more and more complaints about taxi-taking。原文所要表达的“打车”难,在译文中没有完全交待清楚。“比较而言”是一个转折语,把上海和北京作一比较,意图揭示北京的打车难不是由人多车少造成的,所以可以翻译成in(by) contrast或in(by) comparison。个别网友漏译了,这样前后对照的意思可能会不明显。最后说一下“常住人口”的翻译,我没有看到上下文,但感觉这里原文作者的理解是不是有些问题,乘坐出租车的人肯定不只是常住人口,而应该是整个城市的人口,包括常住和流动的人口。如果我们喜欢代原文作者思考的话,这里可以泛化翻译成population。如果我们按原文翻译,那就是permanent residents或inhabitants。
“Air napping” is trendy relaxation for exercisers
The gyms are now offering their clients “air napping” to relax and unwind. Hammocks are available for them to take a siesta in at noon for more efficient afternoon work. There are a couple of cocoon-like blue hammocks for customers to lie in for a rest in a special classroom, where they close their eyes and fall asleep to the strains of calming music. Each session lasts 25 minutes before the trainees are awakened by the trainer gently. It is quite similar to the Antigravity Yoga popular among the Americans. Yogis have use for hammocks as well to package themselves and accomplish a variety of movements on top of their heads for the so-called spiritual tranquility.
汉译英一种比较有效的方法就是模仿英美人写作的类似主题的文章,这种模仿称为“互文学习”,它不仅可以提供诸多新词的翻译,也可以提供一个广义的互文语境供译者参考。比如我们找到了一篇和译题二类似的报道,其中的部分内容摘录如下: 'Air napping' in suspended cocoons is latest craze in bid to relax and unwind A gym in Charlotte, NC, is offering frazzled clients a class in the ultimate relaxation technique: sleeping. Air napping, the latest craze at the Flex-and-Fit gym, sees customers climbing into silken hammocks and hanging in sweet repose for 25 minutes. In what may be the least arduous gym class ever, the nappers are simply required to make themselves comfortable and fall asleep to the strains of calming music. 有了上述内容作参考,“空中小睡”就可以翻译成air napping,值得注意的是air napping从构词法的角度看是一个新的复合词,在BNC语料库中没有找到,在google找到的网页几乎都与上述新闻为同一来源。再者nap in the air也没有错,与air napping的差别在于一个是短语,一个是复合词。“安神”网友的翻译包括:tranquilization, easing nerves, nerve-calming, quiet one’s mind, mental relaxation, relaxation, restful, mind-setting,同一个词出现如此多的翻译方法,足见翻译标准制定有多困难。根据词典的解释,“安神”作动词可以对应英语sedate和tranquilize这两个词,作形容词可以翻译成soothing, calming等词,作名词一般可翻译成relaxation。在这里我倾向使用relax及其派生词。“另类”一词的翻译也颇费脑筋,金山词霸的翻译是a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend,从本文对air napping的报道来看,标题中的另类翻译成trendy即可,但“另类教室”应该翻译成special比较合适。最后说一下“异曲同工之妙”的翻译,中华成语词典翻译成play the same tune on different instruments,但在本文语境中,应该变通翻译。这里强调的是采用不同的健身方法,“反重力瑜伽”和“空中小睡”,达到相同的安神的效果。很多网友翻译的时候注意到了这一点,使用了similar一词。
Is “electronic homework” more avant-garde than convenient?
The “electronic homework” catches on in primary and middle schools with the widespread use of computer and internet. Some teachers begin to publish the daily homework on their school websites for parents to keep track of their children’s studies; some post the homework on the class blog or QQ group for parents to download; some “fads” even tweet the homework in their twitter-like “microblogs”. However, a netizen in the name of “wei yin di fan chen” complains that the electronic homework is impracticable though it appears to be handy, efficient and fashionable and has been intended to free teachers and students of the burden of transcribing the homework. According to him, students are often seen to print the downloaded homework in the copy shop nearby his home. “It takes money to finish homework”. The homework in the electronic format at least at present brings both students and parents more trouble than convenience.
首先,标题中的二元选择如果简单地以or衔接,意思不一定能够表达的十分清楚,所以我觉得用more…than…翻译更好。“…化”字在翻译的时候是一个令人生厌的字眼,“电子化”简单的翻译成electronization是不行的,英语后缀-ation的能产性没有那么高,或者这样造出的词并不能被广泛接受,所以这里最好翻译成electronic homework或其省略形式e-homework。“将作业织进了‘围脖’”是“将作业发布在‘微博’上”的意思,“围脖”与“微博”谐音双关,殊难翻译。网友yaoyayao力求保持原文的谐音,翻译成 some “new-fashioned” teachers waved their assignments into their “weibo”, the Chinese twitter,waved应该是wove之误,虽然weave与weibo押头韵很好,但英语读者很难把编织和写微博联系到一起。考虑到weibo相当于国外的twitter,而且tweet可以作动词用,表示更新twitter,所以我在翻译的时候,在tweet和twitter上作了一点文章,造成一个谐音,也算部分弥补了原文谐音的损失吧。最后一句体现的是汉语的互文照应的修辞法,意思是“让家长和孩子都受苦受累了”,所以翻译的时候可以合并处理成brings both students and parents more trouble than convenience。
“作者说话”还是“译者说话”? --谈一谈译者的角色身份认同
张明权,安徽省固镇县人,江苏大学外国语学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,上外博士课程班进修。主要从事英语语言学和翻译学研究,在国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,出版译著两部,发表其他文章20余篇,有大量翻译实践经验,翻译总字数接近200万。Email: mqzhang@ujs.edu.cn。
(作者:张明权 中国日报网英语点津 编辑:Julie)