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'Websites from Hell' is a gallery of the worst designed sites on Earth
Click for more photos of the ugliest web pages on Earth
A website has pulled together some of the ugliest web pages on Earth – and they're all still going strong, despite having been designed in the 'good old days'. Websitesfromhell.net harks back to the nightmarish days when capital letters and fluorescent letters ruled cyber space - often without a picture in sight. Websitesfromhell.net invites submissions from all over the world only with one condition - that the selection be truly dire. The site says: ‘You can submit your own website, a website of your ex-client or the page of the rest home from your grandma who slaps you every time you visit her. The only requirement is: the website should be ugly! ‘There is a heavy use of gif images, more frames than you can count, java applets used as navigations, rainbow backgrounds and so on? Yes, that would be a great candidate for hell! Use the submit form! Now!’ The 423 websites include candyromeo.com, which bills itself as the first dog matrimonial website in India. To a background of awful Indian rock music, its creators have arranged a garish visual assault of dog photos, animated pooches and neon colours. At the bottom of the homepage are two more pictures of dogs - with their eyes animated to look as if they are twinkling. Webking.com purports to be the homepage of a web designer who will build your own for $99, but the site itself it so bad that only the clueless would employ him. Aside from the photo of a man wearing a crown in the top corner, there is also an amateurish picture of a castle and lurid bright text scattered throughout. Another website featured on Websitesfromhell.net is hosanna1.com which purports to be links to ‘the most beautiful pages on the web’. Unfortunately it is so clogged with multicoloured, overlapping text of different colours that it ends up leaving you with a headache. In the middle there is even a bizarre section which orders the viewer in bright pink capitals: ‘CLICK HERE FOR PUPPIES!!!’ Some of the websites have been changed since appearing on the website, such as Florida-based TNT Events. Before being named and shamed however it had an inexplicable yellow and scarlet colour scheme and text overlayed on top of a picture of its two founders, making the words unreadable. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
一家名为“来自地狱的网站”正致力于汇集全世界最丑的网站,这些中选网站多数诞生于互联网产生初期,但是却都不断成长。 Websitesfromhell.net带领大家回到了网络空间恶梦般的日子里,满眼大写字母和荧光字,几乎没有图片。 这家网站欢迎全球各地的人们提供备选网站,条件只有一个:网站足够“可怕”。 网页上写道:“你可以推选自己的网站,前客户的网站,或是你祖母养老院的网站,因为每次你去探望她都要被那个难看的网站打击一次。唯一的要求是:网站足够丑!” “有的网站过度使用gif图片、或者是数不清的框架结构、还有用作导航的java小程序、彩虹色背景等等?是的,这就是一个‘来自地狱的网站’的候选者。现在赶快推荐吧!” 432个中选网站中包括号称印度首家狗狗婚介网站的candyromeo.com。该网站的印度摇滚背景乐相当糟糕,创建者还在网页上贴满令人眼花缭乱的狗狗照片,还配有动画处理的狗狗和霓虹色。 主页底部还配上了另外两张狗狗图片,狗狗的眼睛经过动画处理,看上去一眨一眨的。 Webking.com声称是一个网页设计者的网站,花上99美金就可以帮你建立自己的网站。不过鉴于该网站本身就足够丑,估计只有脑残才会花钱雇他。 除去顶部角上那个戴皇冠的男人照片,网页上还有一个十分业余的城堡图片,外加通篇的血红色亮字。 另外一家上榜网站是hosanna1.com,该网站宣称自己可以链接到“最美网站”上。然而不幸的是,该网站颜色过多,不同颜色的文字层层叠叠,只会让人头痛。 网页中部还诡异地用亮粉色大写字母告诉读者:“点此得小狗!” 一些网站在被点名为最丑网页后进行了改良,比如来自佛罗里达州的TNT Events。在其获提名并因此而蒙羞之前,该网站颜色为让人费解的红黄色系,并且顶部两位网站建立者照片之上还叠加了文字,从而导致文字模糊不清。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:陈丹妮) |
Vocabulary: good old days: 当年,美好的往日 hark back: 重新提到或想起原先的问题、旧事等 rest home: 疗养院,养老院 |
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