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Ladies and Gentlemen,
China-CEEC cooperation in trade, investment and infrastructure has grown rapidly in recent years. More than 80% of the initiatives contained in theBucharest Guidelines for Cooperationissued at the leaders' meeting last year have been implemented. Two-way trade is expected to exceed US$60 billion this year, up by 10%, a rate that is much faster than the growth of global trade. This would not have been possible without the hard work of businesses from all the countries presented here. The China-CEEC leaders' meeting to be held later this afternoon will issue theBelgrade Guidelines for Cooperationto map out the blueprint for future cooperation. I hope business leaders here will seize the opportunity and join hands to take China-CEEC cooperation to an even higher level.
First, infrastructure development holds great opportunity. Convenient transportation is the foundation for economic development. Infrastructure building in the region needs government support and more importantly businesses' input. A number of CEE countries boast good ports, including the port of Constanta of Romania and the port of Koper of Slovenia. If connected with trunk railways and highways, a network will be created that would significantly shorten transport distance between China and Europe. The initiative of China-Europe land-sea express line is designed tofacilitate land and maritime connectivity and logistics, and will put in placea new, convenient and multi-functionaltransport corridor with heavy-load capacity. Businesses from all our countries may be involved in its development. We welcome Serbia to lead the establishment of a China-CEEC association of transportation infrastructure cooperation to provide quality services to businesses of our countries.
Second, much could be done in industrial development with focus given to equipment building. Chinese companies have ready experience and mature technologies in infrastructure development, as well as quality and cost-effective equipments for railways, power plants and ports. All these are highly competitive in the international market and cater to the needs of CEE countries. Marrying China's equipment-manufacturing capacity with CEE countries' demand for investment and development will be truly win-win, as it will contribute to the economic growth in CEE countries, and will fully leverage China's capacity in equipment manufacturing. The Chinese government is ready to work with the governments of the other countries to build cooperation platforms for businesses, and provide easier access to information as well as visa and residence facilitation. This will help create a more fair, transparent and stable investment environment.
Third, to build a new investment and financing framework will go a long way to serving the growth of the real economy. Businesses on both sides have many good cooperation projects, the implementation of which is hampered, though, by the question of financing. To deepen investment and financing cooperation, the Chinese government proposes to set up a China-CEECcoordinated investment and financingcooperation framework. It will follow market rules, combine existing arrangements between the two sides and provide new models of investment and financing. It would be a good idea that CEE countries make full use of the remaining US$ 7 billion of the US$10 billion special credit line andthe concessional buyer's credit. More preferential terms of loans will be provided as necessary to lower the cost of financing. To support investment projects in CEE countries, China will launch US$1 billion China-CEEC Investment Cooperation Fund (stage two), and establish a US$3 billion investment fund to help promoteequity financingin this region through multiple means. We are willing to encourage Chinese companies to take an active part in the privatization and marketization of CEE companies and will support cooperation based on the PPP model between our businesses. We will also improveexport credit insuranceand vigorously conductequipment leasing business. I hope that businesses of our countries will blaze new trails to make good use of both government incentives and commercial funds to achieve real and early results in our business and investment cooperation.
Fourth, there is great potential to tap in two-way trade. Doubling two-way trade in the coming five years is a target I put forward at the Bucharest forum last year. Over the past year, businesses in our countries have done a lot of work and achieved notable results. In the first ten months of this year, Montenegro saw its exports to China double. Central and Eastern Europe boasts many competitive and unique products, such as the machine tool of the Czech Republic and the wine of Romania, which are highly popular with Chinese customers. I believe it is important that youfeel the right pulse of the Chinese marketand cater to its consumer needs. The Chinese government will work with the governments of CEE countries to facilitate customs clearance and exchange of personnel to create favorable conditions for our businesses to increase the trade volume and improve the trade mix. The second China-CEEC investment and trade fair will be held in Ningbo, China next June. We welcome your active participation in the event and look forward to a boost of trade both in goods and in services, such as tourism.
Fifth, it is important tobuild closer people-to-people ties. People-to-people exchanges and business cooperation aremutually reinforcing. Business activities including production, operation and investment require human capital and the support of education, especially professionals with global vision. I wish to announce here that starting from next year, the Chinese government will support twice as many as students from CEE countries to study in China.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Chinese economy this year has maintained overall stability and moved forward with better performance. Its GDP growth is quite high among major economies. Employment and prices are both stable. More importantly, significant progress has been made inthe readjustment of the economic structure. The service sector is taking a bigger share; equipment manufacturing and hi-tech industries are growing fast; new industries, products, businesses, and business models are all emerging; and the entire economy is undergoing positive change. In the year to come, we willadapt to the new normal of our economy, andcontinue to promote progress while maintaining stability. We willdrive growth through reform, innovation and structural readjustment and unleash potential through improving people's livesso as to maintain medium- to high-speed growth and bring our development to the medium- to high-end of the spectrum. We will deepen reform comprehensively and press ahead with a new round of opening-up. China has put forth the strategic initiative of building the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", and stands ready to welcome the active involvement of countries concerned. I trust that the sustained growth of the Chinese economy and China's reform and opening-up will bring significant opportunities to CEE countries and beyond.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
From Budapest to Warsaw, from Bucharest to Belgrade, China-CEEC cooperation has entered a sound track of fast growth, beaming with vibrancy and enjoying bright prospects of further growth. I look to you, businesses from both sides, to seize the opportunity and increase mutual investment. I am convinced that with our joint efforts, China-CEEC cooperation will move to a higher level and produce even more fruitful results.
Thank you very much.
走势分化 showing divergent trends of growth
未雨绸缪 get ourselves ready for all sorts of possibilities
崩盘 meltdown
跳水 nosedive
和平稳定的政治环境 peaceful and stable political environment
《布加勒斯特纲要》 Bucharest Guidelines for Cooperation
海陆并进、畅通物流 facilitate land and maritime connectivity and logistics
快捷重载综合运输走廊 a convenient and multi-functional transport corridor with heavy-load capacity
协同投融资合作框架 a coordinated investment and financing cooperation framework
优惠买方信贷 the concessional buyer's credit
股权融资 equity financing
出口信用保险 export credit insurance
装备租赁业务 equipment leasing business
把准中国市场的脉搏 feel the right pulse of the Chinese market
密切人文交往 build closer people-to-people ties
相互促进、相辅相成 mutually reinforcing
经济结构调整 the readjustment of the economic structure
适应经济发展新常态 adapt to the new normal of our economy
坚持稳中求进总基调 continue to promote progress while maintaining stability
向改革创新要动力,向结构调整要助力,向民生改善要潜力 drive growth through reform, innovation and structural readjustment and unleash potential through improving people's lives
丝绸之路经济带 Silk Road Economic Belt
21世纪海上丝绸之路 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
(中国日报网英语点津 祝兴媛 编辑)
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