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Cambridge college allows men to wear skirts at formal dinners
She added: "Everyone has been so helpful and it's been great to make a new change.
"I've been speaking to students from other colleges now who hope to make the change across the university."
The new dress code in a notice from the Dean states: "Formal Hall is an occasion on which all members of St Catharine's should wear gowns.
"Members and their guests must be dressed in suitably smart dress. 'Smart dress' is defined without reference to considerations of gender identity or expression.
"This means a suit (or trousers and jacket), a shirt with a collar, a tie, and shoes (not trainers or sandals), or equivalently formal dress.
"The staff are instructed to refuse admission to anyone coming to Formal Hall improperly dressed."
Formal Hall is the name given by colleges to the evening meal in a dining hall where students and dons eat together, with their food served by college servants.
Ms Northrop, from Richmond, Indiana, studied classics at John Cabot University in Rome for five years before moving to Cambridge for post-graduate study.
来自印第安纳州里士满的诺斯罗普小姐(Ms Northrop)在罗马的约翰·卡波特大学(John Cabot University)学习了五年的古典学,现在到剑桥大学继续读研究生。
She said: "I always felt wrong with the sex I was but it's hard to explain in words.
"It was when I was 18 that I began the real process of realising I wanted to transition.
"It was when I got to Cambridge that it really became possible. The university is inspiring and full of such supportive people.
"When I was an undergraduate I didn't do much campaigning, it's something I started while I'm here.
"My friends and family have been so supportive throughout it all."
Two years ago, the rules on graduation dress were rewritten to include no reference to gender - but this did not extend to formal dinners at the colleges.
sartorial: 衣着的,制衣的
follow suit: 效仿
over the moon: 欣喜若狂
wording: 措辞
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