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expiration of land use rights
Expiring land use rights is a nationwide issue related to people's actual interests, and as such has drawn widespread public concern. This came about following a media report that some homeowners have been affected after their 20-year land use rights expired in Wenzhou, Zhejiang.
据报道,目前受此影响的房屋,仅温州市鹿城区就有600多套。根据温州市国土资源局(Wenzhou's bureau of land resources)的缴费政策,部分户主或需要续缴几十万元的土地出让金(land transfer fees),价格约为房价的1/3(one-third the price of their housing)。
法律规定,我国土地使用权的最高年限(the maximum term for the use of land)为70年。根据《物权法》(the Property Law)第149条规定,住宅建设用地(land for housing)使用权期间届满的,自动续期(be renewed automatically)。
法律没有明确如何续期、如何交纳土地出让金(the law doesn't specify how automatic renewals actually work or how much is to be paid),国家也尚未出台关于出让土地续期的具体的法律法规(specific laws and regulations),更没有对出让土地使用权续期出让金收取标准作出规定,这造成了温州这批"撞限房"最大的困局。目前,温州市国土资源局正在着手研究相关政策,以妥善化解这类问题。
温州并非第一个遇到这一问题的城市(the first city to encounter this problem)。近年来,青岛、深圳也相继遇到过类似的问题。目前,商品房(commodity housing)土地证过期事件已在网上引发热议(trigger heated discussion)。由于此事在全国基本属于先例,这些地区现在怎么做,将可能开启各地处理此类问题的先河。
土地整治 land consolidation
土地出让金 land transfer fees
住宅建设用地 land for housing
闲置地产 vacant property
囤地 land hoarding
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