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Why Olympians bite their medals
It’s not a chocolate coin wrapped in gold foil, people. That’s actual metal that composes that Olympic medal, so why do athletes bite them?
There’s actually a few reasons, but the most obvious is that it’s a pose photographers really, really like to capture.
“It’s become an obsession with the photographers,” David Wallechinsky, the president of the International Society of Olympic Historians and co-author of “The Complete Book of the Olympics” told CNN in 2012. “I think they look at it as an iconic shot, as something that you can probably sell. I don’t think it’s something the athletes would probably do on their own.”
Biting down on a hunk of metal is more likely something someone might have done during the Gold Rush to test whether the shiny golden rock they just panned for was actually pyrite or fool’s gold. Human teeth are harder than gold but softer than pyrite, according to the Mohs Hardness Scale. This means a quick gnaw to real gold would actually leave an indentation. A hard chew of pyrite, meanwhile, might damage your teeth.
The practice also once served to see whether coins were solid gold or just gold-plated over a cheaper metal, Today I Found Out explains.
With that in mind, it’s likely that Old West/pirate lore led to someone once biting their Olympic medal in a spontaneous, “Is this real life?” moment, and the photographers thought it was cute. Because if someone really was hoping to discover whether that gold medal is pure gold, their smiles would quickly fade.
Olympic gold medals are actually just 1.34 percent gold. The rest is sterling silver. And much of it is recycled silver this time around, which makes the 20-16 Rio medals “the most sustainable ever made,” according to Forbes magazine contributor Anthony DeMarco. DeMarco says the materials that make up a “gold” medal are worth $564.
咬金牌的传统也曾造成意外。在2010温哥华冬奥中赢得仰式雪橇银牌的德国选手默勒(David Moeller),就在拍照时不小心咬断了他的门牙。部分选手也选择亲吻金牌。
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在领奖台上罗切特戴钻石牙套咬金牌 |
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当地时间时间8月11日,2016里约奥运女子体操个人全能比赛,美国名将拜尔斯夺得冠军。图为拜尔斯咬金牌庆祝。中新网记者 杜洋 摄 |
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在里约奥运会乒乓球女单决赛中,中国选手丁宁4-3战胜队友、卫冕冠军李晓霞,夺得冠军,为中国代表团摘得本届奥运会的第10枚金牌。 |
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里约奥运会男子200米自由泳的决赛中,孙杨不负众望以1分44秒65成功夺冠。 |
fool's gold:“愚人之金”,是像金子般发光却没有任何真金的一种石头的名称。
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