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2. 深港通
Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
"Preparation for the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect has been generally completed and the State Council has approved the implementation plan for the program," Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday at a State Council executive meeting.
深港通是深港股票市场交易互联互通机制的简称,指深圳证券交易所(Shenzhen Stock Exchange)和香港联合交易所有限公司(The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd)建立技术连接,使内地和香港投资者(mainland and Hong Kong investors)可以通过当地证券公司或经纪商(local security firms or brokers)买卖规定范围内的对方交易所上市的股票,包括深股通以及深港通下的港股通两部分,对应的英文表达是Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect。深圳证券交易所拥有1800家上市公司(listed companies),总市值(combined market capitalization)达3.2万亿美元。
根据中国证监会(the China Securities Regulatory Commission)与香港证监会(the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission)共同签署的深港通《联合公告》,深港通不再设总交易额度限制(overall trading quota)。深港通每日额度(daily quota)与沪港通现行标准一致(be the same as that under Shanghai-HK Stock Connect),即北向每日额度130亿元人民币,南向每日额度105亿元人民币。双方可根据实际运营情况(in light of actual operational performance)对投资额度(investment quota)进行调整。此前实行的沪港通5500亿元的总额度也取消。
深港通开通后,内地与香港之间的股票市场交易互联互通机制将包括沪股通、沪港通下的港股通、深股通、深港通下的港股通四个部分。深股通的股票范围是市值(market value)60亿元人民币及以上的深证成份指数和深证中小创新指数的成份股(constituent stocks of the Shenzhen Component Index and Shenzhen Small/Mid Cap Innovation Index)以及深圳证券交易所上市的A+H股公司(Shenzhen-listed companies with both A and H shares)股票。深港通下的港股通的股票范围(the scope of eligible shares/stocks)是恒生综合大型股指数的成份股、恒生综合中型股指数的成份股(constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index and Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index)、市值50亿元港币及以上的恒生综合小型股指数(the Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index)的成份股以及香港联合交易所上市的A+H股公司股票。
互联互通机制 connectivity mechanism
资本市场 capital market
证券投资基金 security investment fund
信息披露 information disclosure
抛售 sell-off
做空 short-selling
做多 going-long
上一篇 : 奥运热词榜(8.6-12)
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