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BBC:What's happening to the pound?
The pound plummeted in Asian trading early on Friday. And no-one really seems to know why.
Overnight the value of the pound fell dramatically. It was briefly down 6%, hitting a value of $1.18 against the dollar at 7:09am in Hong Kong.
The British currency has been on a downward trend since the Brexit vote, but this was the biggest move since the referendum on 23 June.
The Guardian: Bank of England investigating dramatic overnight fall in pound
The Bank of England and other central banks are scrutinising the dramatic dive in the pound on Friday to establish what drove sterling to new 31-year low in a trading incident that has had repercussions across global markets.
The trading incident appears to have lasted for about four minutes in early Asian trading, compounding the losses that sterling had already suffered following speculation that Britain is heading for a “hard Brexit”.
Telegraph: Pound 'flash crash' sees sterling plunge 6pc within minutes - but was it due to a 'fat finger' error?
The pound suffered its biggest drop against the dollar since the Brexit vote on Friday amid warnings from the French president that the UK faced tough Brexit negotiations.
Analysts were baffled by the massive fall, which was the biggest intraday drop since June 24, in the wake of the vote to leave the EU.
综合上述三家英国媒体的报道,我们可以看到plummet,dramatic fall,dramatic drop,biggest drop等描述市场“暴跌”的常见表达,不过,国内媒体在报道这件事的时候都用了一个更加生动形象的表达“闪崩”,也就是《电讯报》标题中出现的flash crash。
Flash crash从修辞角度来说是采用了consonance(尾韵)的手法,即几个词的词尾一个音节元音和辅音相同或者元音相似辅音相同的情况,比如: George Wither的诗“Shall I Wasting in Despair”中的前四句“Great, or good, or kind, or fair/I will ne’er the more despair/If she love me, this believe/I will die ere she shall grieve”,前两句都是-air尾韵,后两句则是-ieve尾韵结尾。与其类似的另外一种修辞方式为alliteration(头韵),即若干相邻词的开头或重读音节中对相同字母,辅音或不同元音的重复,比如:He remained loyal to me through thick and thin.这句话里的through thick and thin就是押头韵。这种修辞方式在诗歌中很常见,使得句子读起来押韵合辙,悦耳动听,有时也能增加句子的气势。
说回英镑“闪崩”(flash crash)的话题。Crash多用来形容猛烈的“撞击、坠落”,在描述商业市场的时候则指“暴跌”,前面加flash来形容,可知当时的暴跌速度有多快,flash本意指“闪电”,以闪电般的速度暴跌,可不就是“闪崩”了。
此前我们也跟大家介绍过不少跟flash相关的表达,比如这几年很流行的“快闪”(flash mob)、“闪婚”(flash marriage)、“闪离”(flash divorce)等。这一次,我们又收入了一个新词“闪崩”(flash crash)。
1.计算机算法导致(computer algorithms)。外汇交易系统采用自动交易算法(automated trading algorithm),该系统会根据各路媒体报道等数据来做出一些交易决策。此前法国总统奥朗德表态,称在英国脱欧谈判中要坚持强硬立场,可能是系统接收到这个表态后的各路媒体反应做出了错误的自动交易决策。
2.人为操作失误(human error/ "fat finger" mistake)。可能是交易员下单时指令输入出错。这里的fat finger是一个习惯用语,指在键盘等界面操作时因为按错键或按钮而犯错,或者在手工完成某项精工细活时意外出现的失误。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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