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David Luiz, Brazil
A defender, a midfielder, a roving magnet for chaos — Luiz can do everything and he often tries to do it all at once. Gary Neville famously said, "He plays like he's being controlled by a 10-year-old on a PlayStation" and that remains the most accurate description of him. Fueled by the best of intentions and possessing incredible talent, Luiz can score against both teams in a given match, accidentally injure someone and cover every blade of grass on the pitch. He is the closest thing football has to the Tasmanian Devil.
大卫·路易斯(David Luiz),巴西
后卫,中场,一个移动的混乱制造者——路易斯能做所有工作,也试图一下子做所有事。加里·内维尔(Gary Neville)有句名言:“路易斯踢球的方式好像是一个十岁孩子手中的PS《实况足球》球员。”这个描述不可谓不精确。有着好想法和好天赋,路易斯能在一场比赛中射进两个球队球门,也能意外致人受伤,还会跑遍球场的每一寸。他是绿茵场上和袋獾最相近的生物。
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